question two: if you had a sothis in a game, would a dragon transformation be a valid power you'd allow them to give her even though there's no foe sure canon on it?
I would not give her that unless she prior regained her full power through some other event. The Sothis we see in game is a fragment and part of her (her blood) is irrevocably lost, so restoring her is already a chore that'd require some plot.
Yeah, I'd agree there. Like, a corporeal current Sothis would still be powerful, just not... well, the full deal. Giving her some fancy stuff sounds entirely fair.
so i remember in some games they talked about the dragonstones that those types of units typically use to transform back and forth are supposedly made from their own draconic power (or potentially from the same lineage?i dont recall), separated from themselves to allow them to assume human form and then taken back up at need to reform for short periods.
God this also gives me such trouble like if she gets her crest stone back logically she would age some but that'd mean... commissioning entirely new icons...
i also remember SOMETHING about the whole point of so many dragons assuming human form in the first place was that they were slowly going insane whenever in their natural forms? or losing intellect? something like that its been a long time.
send her to the TDM