Vincent Gogh
Tag plurk for the week
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
OwlsNotAsThySem I love that they have such an honest and communicative relationship :3
Vincent Gogh
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊𝕱𝖚𝖗𝖇𝖞𝕭𝖆𝖇𝖞❓ spoilers btw Crowley, nothing spicey happened on the wedding night
Vincent Gogh
but they will be getting spicey ~
Vincent Gogh
lets just say- Doctor is gonna wish that he still wore a scarf
Vincent Gogh
had he - nothing would have gotten on his neck
Vincent Gogh
and thanks to Vira - 10 needs to get rid of the green salts
Vincent Gogh
Mmmm I wonder if I should tally up points to get 4th Doctor's scarf just because
Go for it!
Vincent Gogh
yeah im just sort of - how toe-stepping is that even if this is The Doctor its not that Doctor
Vincent Gogh
and 10 probably wouldnt wear it anyways but would have it in his pocket as a rope backup
Vincent Gogh
and also good as a trip wire - as 4 would show us
Vincent Gogh
I wish 13 had used her scarf in the New Years special over just wearing it only
Vincent Gogh
OwlsNotAsThySem but srsly they have such a communitive relationship; its wonderful
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
epsically since sex isn't a priority
Vincent Gogh
and that may be it for tags today >,<
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
OwlsNotAsThySem btw where are they going to have their talk ^
Vincent Gogh
# myalienspousegiveshislaborawayforfree # howdoIrunabusiness
Vincent Gogh
Tilt so 1950s stovetops were primely gas stoves - meaning if you didn't have power you could start them with a match; idk what you have her stove as?
Didn't think about that actually.
I'll edit.
Vincent Gogh
no worries ^^ We dont typically have those anymore
nods I can remember having a gas stove when I was really young, but for my adult life it's been entirely electric.
I think they're gonna have that talk in the thread in your inbox.
Vincent Gogh
nod nod we have a 50 + year old oven in our house
Vincent Gogh
thats the only reason I thought of it XD
Vincent Gogh
OwlsNotAsThySem can we do it in another thread because Amara is gonna chew 10 up in that
Also, this is the second time Jack has gotten himself in trouble via the Fluid.
!0 and Jack have so many threads, I'm losing track o.o
Vincent Gogh
yeah Amara is gonna ask someone why do you get upset at others when they use guns?
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
in refe to 9
Vincent Gogh
Tilt that was the only saving grace when we didnt have power for 3 days; I could still make tea and cook things
Vincent Gogh
OwlsNotAsThySem we could but between Amara and Jack - 10 might shut down completely and not answer either of them
Vincent Gogh
just keep working and pretend they're not there
I could imagine. It's why I thought of the canisters, I've resorted to using the camping stove on several occasions.
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
OwlsNotAsThySem /hugs/ Im sorry
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Tilt yes, he has two hearts ^^
Vincent Gogh
yes he forgets thats weird to others
Vincent Gogh
because when one of his hearts stops beating he comments how thats weird just having one
Vincent Gogh
OwlsNotAsThySem how do you want to work the Torchwood thread?
Vincent Gogh
we could - make Jack before Amara and then Amara shows up and Jack is still there?
Vincent Gogh
OwlsNotAsThySem or do you have an idea?
Honestly, I'm jammed up right now. o.o
Vincent Gogh
do you just want to discuss it oocly?
Vincent Gogh
and handwave it?
Yeah. We'd better, If I take on any more Jack threads, I'm either going to have to hiatus Wesker or drop him...
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
10 to Jack; sorry Jack also wrapped up \o/
Vincent Gogh
OwlsNotAsThySem Jack knows this though doesn't he? ^ in a sense? That The Doctor will give his life if that saves many
Oh, he knows, he just doesn't know how literal the stag bit is. Not yet anyway.
Vincent Gogh
bahaha nor does 10
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
one day; Jack will get a <33's though their mental link just before someone dies
Ho boy.... that's gonna be tough, but he'll get it.
Vincent Gogh
but hey; least everyone else lived
Vincent Gogh
nod; plus side; lots of cuddling when back :3
Vincent Gogh
in whatever form the mods give me
Vincent Gogh
would you love your Doctor as Big Foot, Jack?
Vincent Gogh
Whhaaaahh? /laughing/
Oh, right.
Vincent Gogh
on the plus side - it would still mentally be 10; just look different
Jack would be about the same level as he was with the face, a bit puzzled at first, but the mental link would click and he'd be relieved and delighted to have Ten back.
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Might be poking Varien to build another leg
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh