[NaNoWriMo]: Who is ready to delve into a month of 1667(+/-) words a day?

Spoilers: Not me, but let's go down in flames together.
I got smacked by some FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC Inspiration and we're going to be pantsing the fuck out of this.
Which usually ends in failure but whatever.
Anyone else up for it?
sentient gate
I would be but I've kinda started to hate the concept of not editing as you go, it drives me insane since I'm pedantic af xD
sentient gate
But I'm cheering you on!
Oooh thank you thank you
papermint tiger
I will not be participating in the sheer insane amounts of words, but i think i will be terying to practice writing some every day
papermint tiger
NaNo practice i guess
No, that's legit though. While NaNo traditionally has a lot of rules, the concept is just practice even when everything is crazy and busy. So setting your own goals is perfectly fair if it encourages consistency
I was thinking about doing it this year. But circumstances dictate I will probably be sleeping too much to do it lol
papermint tiger
sweet! then i will be doing this i suppose lol
Yeeeeeeeee never hurts to try