a girl in love
I’m very mad at the universe for sabotaging me just as I had started to get my rp mojo back but as you can see I did not rp while my neck has been killing me. I did think this game looked fun so if you would like to backthread with me lmk and I will reach for u when the tags recommence from my fingertips
a girl in love
but otherwise I’m gonna drop shit and start over for the most part
a girl in love
my neck is still killing me and my remaining braincells are suffering for it but I’m winding up to just rping anyway out of rage and boredom so hopefully that or healing happens within the next couple days.
doom triangle
doom triangle
i will always backthread forever if u want but also the neck pain problems are in fact the literal fucking worst so i understand.
I hope your neck starts feeling better ;;
body...... body stop
become YEEHAW
I am going to be entirely backthreading so I would love to backthread with you.
Dragon!Amaranth is here, if you end up being up to it!
a girl in love
a girl in love
I slept on the couch last night and I think it helped. I can finally turn my head at an almost respectable speed without eating shit. I can see the end.
doom triangle