The project, officially titled Zack Snyder's Justice League, is being overseen by HBO Max, which is financing the new round of shooting and the completion of the many unfinished scenes, and will air as a four-episode event series next year. 標題確定是ZSJL太好啦XD之前好像說只能叫director cut之類的
Shooting is currently underway with Ben Affleck, Ray Fisher, and Amber Heard among those involved on top of Leto. It is unclear which other actors are involved. 這串名字好妙……Mera也有份加拍??XD 我記得從前ZS導提過加拍是HC、Affleck、Amy Adams的Lois和Harry Lennix的火星叔
ven as the shoot rolls ahead, two producers who were involved with the theatrical movie are quietly moving to the side. Jon Berg and Geoff Johns, then-studio executives who oversaw the movie and the reshoot by Joss Whedon that was meant to salvage the failed movie, will not be receiving producer credits on the Snyder Cut, sources say. 比較好笑是這個…這消息居然是收在這標題下XD
標題確定是ZSJL太好啦XD之前好像說只能叫director cut之類的
我記得從前ZS導提過加拍是HC、Affleck、Amy Adams的Lois和Harry Lennix的火星叔