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Jared Leto to Play Joker in Zack Snyder's 'Justice L... 之前是有謠傳過Snyder Cut裡本來就有Leto小丑的祕密插花,現在 ZSJL 加拍有他的話不知道會是彩蛋形式還是…?另外Ayer Cut的SS釋出也愈來愈有機會了
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The project, officially titled Zack Snyder's Justice League, is being overseen by HBO Max, which is financing the new round of shooting and the completion of the many unfinished scenes, and will air as a four-episode event series next year.
標題確定是ZSJL太好啦XD之前好像說只能叫director cut之類的
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Shooting is currently underway with Ben Affleck, Ray Fisher, and Amber Heard among those involved on top of Leto. It is unclear which other actors are involved.
我記得從前ZS導提過加拍是HC、Affleck、Amy Adams的Lois和Harry Lennix的火星叔
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ven as the shoot rolls ahead, two producers who were involved with the theatrical movie are quietly moving to the side. Jon Berg and Geoff Johns, then-studio executives who oversaw the movie and the reshoot by Joss Whedon that was meant to salvage the failed movie, will not be receiving producer credits on the Snyder Cut, sources say.
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Jon Berg和GJ不會在ZSJL掛名wwwwww
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說回Leto小丑,我想起是ZSJL預告裡Knightmare那一幕有小丑卡飄過,如果加拍是Knightmare scene就太驚人了XD
Zack Snyder’s Justice League | Official Teaser | HBO...
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個人來說還是比較好奇Ayer Cut……如果真的會釋出的話,論劇情時序應該先看Ayer Cut才接著看ZSJL(荒原狼本來是要在Ayer版本的SS登場的說)但目前感覺HBO Max是會先看ZSJL釋出後如何再看接下來吧…?但如果真的先釋出Ayer Cut的話也滿猛的XD
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還有Batfleck系列的謠傳等等……(我個人還是最想看Joe Manganiello的Deathstroke啦XD ZSJL裡至少會有他+Lex,現在還有Leto小丑這樣惡役集合也太腦爆了XDD)
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Login • Instagram 攝影Fabian Wagner之前也貼了快開工的藍幕和綠幕
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RDJ宅~熊呆師朽 : SS也是從第一個預告後被魔改得很神祕的存在……
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Zack Snyder's Justice League Reshoots Add Joe Mangan...
因為是Collider老實說滿不想轉lol不過我上面才說完Deathstroke今天便lolll 好啦老實說噗首Leto小丑這消息是THR其實我也沒有什麼信任感的……消息本身也許有真實性但之前也是利用這些消息來轉移視線帶風向等操作令人感覺非常差
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就有種用標題釣人然後內容再偷渡一大堆東西的感覺,這年頭網路新聞真是少一點警覺性、不多一點反思考都不行XDTL 心累