Oxygen Venus
https://imgs.plurk.com/Qye/wEg/AGvobs8eus2ObcgmiuTFCtWhKQT_lg.jpg https://imgs.plurk.com/Qye/jzd/J2OzKEoURhCDMWCTkbnAYGG9z8h_lg.jpg would you want a smart home? building tech
Jay Giano
gurl i would settle just for one of those big ass sliding doors
tbh just let me live in a cardboard box next to the house and allow me access to the pool and I'm good
Oxygen Venus
the biggest fear I have with a smart home is that it would overtake my life....... like somehow come alive and close my doors forever lol
Oxygen Venus
or glitch out
Oxygen Venus
that drink better be made with organic ingredients