I'm exhausted!!
Anyone mind if I go to bed early?
Goodknyte Plurkville https://images.plurk.com/7MiKtTkMXpEZDYzpziGqwR.gif
Wintery Ace ♠
Good night
I hope you did go early and slept soundly. (cozy)
mimi : I dozed on the couch for a while.
It the anni of husband so there was a gathering of the clan. Dogs needed time out of their crates. Stressful day for them.
This morning OMG sister was txting at dark:30 in the am and landscaper arrived shortly thereafter.
Sleep is is for the weak lol isn't that how the saying goes...
🇺🇦HighDef🇺🇦 : Good afties sweetie (K)
Good afties Wintery Ace ♠ : (cozy) (K)
Starfirez: Opposite sides of the world. (cozy) (K)
Lots of emotion, but I'm glad the clan was there to support you. (cozy)
mimi : The grands were so happy to see each other.
Wintery Ace ♠
Oh, wonderful. It's good for the heart.