max amount of time he can sit still with nothing to do: it depends where he's sitting tbh but pretty long actually! give him somewhere high and quiet and nature-y to sit with no pressing obligations and he can just chill there for hours looking at clouds
if indoors and/or around people the chances are higher that eventually he'd see someone who needs an errand running or w/e and go do that instead, but he can still sit quietly for a good long while and just chill if nobody talks to him and he doesn't think he's needed for anything
he doesn't do it in general because he is greatly inclined to be polite/soft-spoken if he doesn't have a reason not to, it just makes things go easier and avoids bad misunderstandings
otoh it's not like he's deliberately holding himself back from cussing like a sailor or anything either, he has enough of a handle on his emotions the vast majority of the time that he doesn't feel the need even if he didn't think being polite was better anyway
remembering that he told everyone who would listen about his spirit doesn't haunt him on a conscious level tbh, like, firstly he didn't know, secondly it is blatantly quite a lot of other people's faults, thirdly he doesn't care to dwell on regrets in general because what's the fuckin point
it's not that he doesn't get sad or frustrated about things going badly, he is just fairly good at snapping out of it before too long and moving onto whatever's next, his robot best friend especially encouraged that in him for a while
other than that, he really primarily does lies by omission, and those only when he's convinced he has a good reason for them, so yeah none of those haunt him at all
he is not especially scared of any animal he's aware of, animals are either harmless (therefore friends) or trying to kill him (therefore okay to kill first)
ingame he treats pokemon much the same except for having learned he can't physically overpower the hostile ones here and therefore leaning a bit harder on "friends"
if not pac-man the animal he finds the most uncanny might be greythornes from his canon but only because he gets the impression all of them are smarter than him, he still thinks they're cute
i also appreciate him passing out from the one greythorne's depression 7 times in a row but continuing to try to possess it again until it actively stops him because he's too stupid to realise what's happening
a go-to story or joke in conversation: he doesn't really have a single go-to because he's not actually super into small talk or social chatter in and of itself
however more generally he does tend to fall back on anecdotes from when he was little and hanging around the periphery of the village kids, or slightly older and helping to look after the younger village kids
what triggers nostalgia: home! and places/situations that are like home - sleepy farming villages and other rural places, places with crumbly old buildings, woods and forests and lakes and thorny greenery, being around rowdy small children in general
said ideals are a bit more murder than you would probably expect from looking at him but oh well like the rest of him they aren't complex enough to give him trouble
his ghost best friend and robot best friend also but he kind of didn't have a choice with the former and was possibly nudged by the former into digging up the latter
when he does crack up its a lot of pffffsnrk rather than really vocal but it can happen! sometimes from observational sass (which is his most common humour), occasionally from exceptionally stupid puns
not legitimately upset because he is aware he is a loser and not actually cool but please...... he would like......... to be allowed to seem cool............
his one (1) big traumatic series of memories is from less than a year ago for him so is still There and is in a way in his mind whenever someone asks him about himself, so it counts anyway
ok like he does pick up on character flaws (ev... entually......) but he really prefers to assume the best of people even when the evidence for that is questionable
he will happily forgive one hell of a lot as long as the other person appears to be Trying (and they didn't go after his family or the otherwise vulnerable)
it's a conscious choice for him at his canonpoint because he does have more of a natural vengeful streak than you might expect and that's what comes out when you get his family involved, but under normal circumstances he just doesn't think it's good or worthwhile to act on, he would rather grin and put up with it
for other people he does see the value of like, tact and withholding the truth a bit until its a good time - he is not necessarily good at that because half of his internal monologue happens aloud but he certainly tries
but he's sincere to a fault really, outright lying just creates more mess for the person once they find out and he's too empathetic to want to wish that on people
to go back to the ideals question, tbh everything is framed by The Fam being his biggest priority at all times even when they aren't directly around so to that end he's not against doing shady shit, but he doesn't see a contradiction between that and being kind as much as possible in general
it's not a moral quandary in his head in the slightest, moralising at him is honestly one of the few good ways to annoy him enough to tell you to shut up