[FFXIV] It’s months since we hit a new tier but I FINALLY understand how to properly do the bomb boulders in E4S without using DRG backflip to cheese it.
Much like E6S orbs, it becomes much simpler if you stop trying to do it by feel and instead revert to geometry
1. You wait until the cast bar for seismic wave fills, Even though the animation is playing, it is now safe to move.
2. Position yourself such that you are just over the line running north south, and you are right in between two bombs
3. As soon as the bombs go off, move due east.
I've done it multiple times without getting hit since I worked it out.
(I'm part of a raid group that's doing Eden's Gate on saturdays, min ilevel echo on)
(it's an offshoot from a group that organizes synced runs of old raids and trials)