Of the extraordinary challenges faced by humankind in 2020, the need to reimagine and build a more promising future for girls around the world is more important than ever.
I’ve spent the better part of my career focused on amplifying the voices of some of the world’s most at risk girls. Today, on the eighth International Day of the Girl, let's celebrate their resiliency, strength, and power.
"Boujbeja" means the luck of the desert, but after a severe drought in 1966, they've been fighting the constant push of the sands and must dig 70 meters underground to get water.
As the climate changes, and earth grows hotter, droughts are becoming more severe, making the quest for water more and more difficult.
Finding water is a task that disproportionately falls to women and girls.
Collectively they spend 200 million hours every single daily seeking and hauling water for their communities, a task that steals their time and potential, which is why it's so important to support groups and organizations that make access to clean water a priority.
原來台灣女孩日也是今天 ,而且第八年了
【蔡英文】今年國慶,大家可能都有看到穿著制服的「 禮賓人員」,在國慶的各種場合,擔任服務貴賓的工作。
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今天是 台灣女孩節 ,也是 國際女童節 。我們的社會中,每個女孩、女性都有自己的專業、興趣與樣貌。當我們說「民主台灣,自信前行」時,我也期待台灣的女孩、女性,都能活在更好的世代,更平等的社會。
【潘孟安】♪那女孩對我說 ♫說今天是 臺灣女孩日
屏東縣青少年中心、 屏東縣青年學院長期陪伴孩子和青年築夢,縣府更開設「 屏東縣女性夢想館」,提供專屬女性的學習及展演平台,不分年齡、不分國籍,只要妳有興趣、有夢想,都能來!
[natgeo] Masia, age nine, shows off her skills during a karate class in Kabul, Afghanistan.
國家地理 阿富汗 喀布爾 空手道
[natgeo] This image is meant to celebrate the International Day of the Girl.
Here, girls run from a sandstorm in the remote desert town of Boujbeja, Mali.
As the climate changes, and earth grows hotter, droughts are becoming more severe, making the quest for water more and more difficult.
Collectively they spend 200 million hours every single daily seeking and hauling water for their communities, a task that steals their time and potential, which is why it's so important to support groups and organizations that make access to clean water a priority.
國家地理 沙漠城市 沙暴 氣候變遷 人與環境 水資源
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因為許多教育夥伴的努力,除了 性別平等教育法 實施已超過15年,性平議題與內涵更逐漸融入日常課程中,希望陪伴孩子肯認自己並尊重理解他人、消弭性別刻板印象;今年台灣女孩日,我們也在 科教館GO好玩 舉辦「臺灣女孩16歲特展」,想邀請大家一同看見女孩生命的豐富面向。
國際女孩日 InternationalDayOfTheGirl