I was just drifting off to sleep when I heard, "I'm sad", in a male voice (gaha)
I really did want to sleep.
Maybe it was because I didn't say,
Goodknyte Plurkville https://images.plurk.com/7MiKtTkMXpEZDYzpziGqwR.gif
Now let's try that sleep thing again.
(cozy) Goodnight.
Oh, how touching. (cozy)
Indikon : Good afties sweetie (cozy) (K)
mimi : touching, I felt like I should reach out, but I couldn't decide whether it was the collective speaking in one voice, or an individual. Then I got wrapped up in, if it's the collective, why a male voice? (LOL)
In the old days I would have got up and pulled some cards. This week I'm more interested in sleep.
Good morning sweetie (cozy) (K)
Good morning Mim58 :
NermalASU : Am I the only one that happens to? (LOL) Good morning sweetie (cozy) (K)
Good evening. (cozy)
johndiii : hiya sweetie (cozy)
Sleep is very important.
mimi : This is a whole new level of tired.
I hope you're shoulder allows you to sleep tonight.
I'll be okay, I'm sure. A new level of tired for you is worrisome. You don't have other symptoms, do you???
mimi : No, no symptoms just no sleep Mon-Tues while with Madi. 3hrs OT Weds and hearing things Thurs. Dogs never allow me to sleep in...
I need a good deep sleep.
Hope you can get that tonight.
johndiii : fingers crossed 🤞🏻
Seems like it's always something. I hope you can get in a bit more sleep this weekend.