because it leads to things like 'if you're a vampire drinking blood you should make it very obvious you are a vampire, maybe wear a cape and go "bleh" a lot'
See, this is why I like Judaism. You ask the Catholics about vampires and they just give you that look and complain about people taking the whole "this is His body and this is His blood" thing too literally.
at least part of the Law is about not encouraging others to break the Law, through word or deed. And visibly eating something indistinguishable from pork might do that.
so my parents were housing refugees from... must have been the vietnam war? and they taught them where the dairy and meat dishes were and that they separated them
so one day mom comes down after telling the wife of the couple that they were having tuna fish, and saw she'd set out the meat plates (my parents usually used dairy plates as default)
Non-jews: guess if turkey bacon is kosher. (now with Vampire Halacha!)
I cannot think of any possible situation in which turkey bacon wouldn't be kosher, since literally no one would ever mistake it for actual bacon