Mrs Sheepie
3am chatter as i update teams
Mrs Sheepie
drakloak technically have a dreepy on their heads, but tyler only has the one dargon
Mrs Sheepie
so whenever Spyro is out of his ball he immediately steals Isis to sit on his head
Mrs Sheepie
bc he needs a baby
Himbo Agenda
Best to keep him away from the ghosts Lyds has, clearly.
Mrs Sheepie
no let him fuck. he needs baby
Himbo Agenda
Oh my god.
Mrs Sheepie
Mrs Sheepie
Himbo Agenda
Mrs Sheepie
Himbo Agenda
Himbo Agenda
I'm just laughing because the best match for egg moves is one of her most asshole ghosts.
Mrs Sheepie
would she fuck the scarf
Himbo Agenda
I mean, probably. Actually there's two best choices.
Himbo Agenda
Which is either Eclipse the asshole gengar or Juju the dusclops.
Mrs Sheepie
he just needs to fuck once, make baby
Mrs Sheepie
then he'll never do it again
Himbo Agenda
lmfao, that's fair!!!! Eclipse is probably more likely to be a heathen.
Himbo Agenda
And has TMs and move tutor stuff on her, so even better.
Mrs Sheepie
i find it funny how much i kept going back and forth on isis being Baby but now she's lvl 88
Himbo Agenda
Isis is Baby
Mrs Sheepie
only when it suits her
Himbo Agenda
Isis just gets spoiled even at home, Lyds happy to scritch borb and sneak snacks.
Mrs Sheepie
isis is almost definitely considered overweight for a borb
Mrs Sheepie
tyler lydia and steven all spoil her
Himbo Agenda
Absolutely. Lydia has no idea why, what.
Himbo Agenda
Mrs Sheepie
also seeing shinobu's gym submission made me remember i wanna do tyler's
Mrs Sheepie
so he's gonna take a quick weekend in kanto to go do two of them and then he'll come back and give lydia "sorry for leaving you along for two days you horrible cat" sex
Himbo Agenda
flkjsd;kfje PFFF
Himbo Agenda
I hope Tyler is used to Cobbles demanding lap time from him every time he comes back, too.
Mrs Sheepie
every time tyler gets home he gets two steps in and trips over because cobbles tries to lie on his feet
Himbo Agenda
Cobbles is just The Worst.
Himbo Agenda
The most spoiled of her cats.
Himbo Agenda
Cobbles, totally fine as he's tripped over. Bonuses of being a steel type.
Mrs Sheepie
tyler could dropkick him and only break his foot
Mrs Sheepie
cobbles is fine
Himbo Agenda
Cobbles knows damn well jack and shit can be done to him.
Himbo Agenda
Cobbles, the obvious roadblock. Nex, the unseen roadblock.
Mrs Sheepie
when i wake up today i'm gonna write up saffron and celadon gym challenges
sailor bii
fuck yeah
sailor bii
I need to do Steven's Kanto gyms. Akane too, but I have to do all elite now because she trains so hard, so that will be a pain