ooh I haven't done these questions before

I just can't do the NSFW ones with Larry, the answers are all too sad

1, 5, 14, 21, 33!

21, 32, 39! This IS an awesome list.

8, 20, 24

I am pondering these intently but lol 5: he literally wears exactly the same thing every minute of every day.

1: So there's a dichotomy in Larry that I think is going to show up in a lot of answers, starting with this one: he's chronically low-key, low-energy, carries himself like he doesn't actually want to be seen -- but because he can't use facial expressions, his movements and gestures tend to be exaggerated.

Lots of head and hand movements, especially, but he's not above, say, DRAMATICALLY COLLAPSING when Rita is taking too long in the bathroom

and he is desperately bored

this is a specific scene I'm trying to find a gif of and I know it exists but I cannot seem to locate it :|a

apparently it is gone forever, nevermind

have this in its place

Rita always brings out his inner drama queen

8: He is definitely most at ease when he's embracing his hobbies: cooking, gardening, etc. He likes doing things that are quiet, solitary, purposeful, and usually require some kind of actual skill and attention to detail. lol in s2 the entire rest of the cast is shrunk down for an episode and he crafts everything in miniature for them. it's very cute.

(he literally rolls Jane a tiny blunt using tweezers. that is a real thing that happens.)

(which... belatedly, also means he PROBABLY grew the weed himself?)

he just tends to be looser and calmer and more relaxed when he's absorbed like that. he is least at ease when he's in a crowd, put on the spot, or otherwise feeling exposed. he's less prone to literally running away than he once was, but he still gets very skittish and tense and will look for an opportunity to escape.

... Larry making miniatures is an extremely cute mental image. Also that's a great gif!

14: Okay, back to dichotomies. There is a person inside Larry who has Commitments and Philosophies and Moral Codes and whatnot, but he is very detached from that person. The most he has is, like... caring about his friends, mostly Rita and Danny/the Dannyzens. I think a lot of his journey once he gets over all the old shit is going to be discovering who

he is as a person, which is tbh one of my favorite things to play so no wonder I picked him up /chinhands

(Rita still remains a strong second choice for this tbh)

20: ...hmm this is a tough one. I mean I guess I'd say that with acquaintances and new people he tends to come off as quiet, aloof, and sarcastic -- maybe less shy and more disinterested. He's much more expressive and vulnerable with people he cares about. The Barge is kind of fucking with this though because texting makes him feel more empowered to be open

about stuff he would have otherwise remained very closed off about.

at some point he'll need to be challenged about this because tbh it runs the risk of becoming a crutch: he can share his secrets and feelings as long as he has distance but stay at arm's length in person

21: He intentionally seeks out no relationships and shies away from social contact. :| :| :| though on the Barge he tends to gravitate towards people that remind him of home -- the normies are tolerable but ideally he'd prefer to hang out with the lizard people et al. But a bunch of normal-seeming people glommed onto him, SIGH.

it's funny because I think this was sort of true before the crash too -- young Larry comes across as an introvert who forcibly adopted the guise of an extrovert as part of the image he wanted to project. OTOH after like 60 years of isolation I think there's a tiny social butterfly waiting to emerge.

24: BECAUSE. Throughout the first two seasons, his persona remains pretty strongly "no thank u," but then every time he gets dragged into fun he ultimately loosens up and starts having fun in a totally unselfconscious way (it has to be, because he's awkward and uncool a f). Danny and Moira get him to belt off-key at karaoke! Rita gets him to dance like

a total loser! (pause for forthcoming gifs, I definitely saw them this time)

I feel like there is just a horribly nerdy gay party boy inside this sad sack old man.

Celluloid Dreams

32: I feel like his costume is his "prop" :|a it's definitely central to his identity, and he would be deeply lost if he woke up and the bandages, in particular, had disappeared. Not just bc horrible radiation but because he's gotten used to looking like Boris Karloff (in his own words)

33: Younger Larry was definitely very much about research, memorization, organization, etc. Trial and error is a waste when you can prepare and get things right the first time. Older Larry has at least learned that that doesn't always work and he's a little more adaptable, though he still leans towards perfectionism and getting annoyed when things aren't

Right on the first try.

lol 39 is his entire head, all the time, which is a mess. Largely devoted to the past, and an unfortunate combination of "why am I a monster, why am I the living worst" with "what else was I supposed to do, how was my life impossibly difficult, why is THE NEGATIVE SPIRIT the living worst"

whew, these are hard, but interesting

Norton really wants to draw the nerdy gay party boy out. And then would probably be slightly embarrassed by how uncool party boy Larry is.

I want this so much

also this entire plurk is why what he really NEEDS are strong personalities that can just walk all over him and make him do things like get over his shit and have fun.

