The question was posed, "Why do people continue supp...
Saw this on Facebook and it makes perfect sense for why Trump supporters still support him.
I mean none of that is news, but there are a lot of people that are not actually racists or whatever, who voted for him because they were willing to ignore all the bad, in order to believe the promises he made, about jobs and whatnot. Except he lies. Everything he says is a lie. So whyyyy do all these asshats keep believing the lies?! I mean he's not
even an actual racist himself, not really anyway, he simply doesn't care about anyone other than himself, and he knows his supporters are so he plays it up, but again, it's just lies. So, yes, they are stupid to keep voting for him because he is screwing them over repeatedly just like he is everyone else. They're effing idiots to listen to him.
He hates the same group that they hate. He supports white only, they want white only, he supports fewer immigrants, they want fewer immigrants. They do not "support" him, just will rally around him since they now have someone in power who thinks like they do. They will jump off a cliff if he told them it would help those that remain and the would do it.
It boggles the mind and we have some family members who support him, they are educated, yet still support him even knowing all that he has done is bad.
We agreed to never talk politics with them ever again in order to keep peace. We know they are idiots, they think we are crazy.
So the way around it is for liberals to start talking about what Trump is doing well, even if it's just made-up stuff...actually, especially if it's made up stuff. "Did you see how Trump compromised and brought the liberals and republicans together on that vote? That's awesome!" Turn the hand around and play the game backwards, and those same Trump...
supporters will be looking for someone else because Trump no longer fits in with their narrative.
Yeah, it's unlikely because it would require a huge underground group effort to do it successfully, but it would actually be rather funny watching it work.
The next question, of course, is how did liberals become so villainized.
Your failure to even try to understand those with whom you disagree will guarantee a victory for evil.