[job] So the jist of it is this;

Because the job is a contract through a pilot program, the Equal employment opportunity doesn't apply. So anything about adjustments due to that is out the window.

Probably because the posting was through the library directly and not the gov website. I didnt know it didnt apply under it; i assumed any gov contract would.
the boss ladies did ask if i could work doing more specialised tasks to the higher ups and they said no, everyone has to work at the same skill level. Not much to be done.
... and then my sister tells me

'so you can forget working at the library since lost your foot in the door'

'you must be devastated'
talk about taking a natural 20 in psychic damage.
What the hell, sis?
ouch. I'm sorry
𝓟𝓢𝓛☕📔𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 : that's pretty normal for her. she means well but her emotional intelligence is her dump stat.
way to kick someone when they're down :c I'm so sorry
im too out of it to even be upset, because i mean... she's right.
:< I am so sorry. and no, she's not. it's hard to get in a library, i know...
it really, really sucks right now. it's okay to grieve that
No, she's not. She had absolutely no reason to say something that cruel.
Y yo a ti, Cas
I mean, the boss lady knows and likes you, so you still have a foot in the door. Its basic networking.
im sorry :c
Horny on Main
Wow your sister is a biatch and doesn't understand how feet in doors work
your sister has a terrible way of showing she means well, and if she can't understand that what she said wasn't remotely sympathetic, she needs to maybe learn to think before she speaks...
that being said, i'm really sorry about the job, bb :< echoing everyone else, even if things aren't panning out rn, there's still a chance something else will come up in the future bc of your positive relationship with your boss, and she might be able to point you in the direction of a job that suits you better
she at least then wanted to come over with ice cream later... but I really cant handle other people right now. at my mental limit and all that.