[mh] I have always struggled with keeping my house clean but I would like to do something about it. Any tips for overcoming depression to achieve cleanliness?
Routines are preeminent. I used to recommend Flylady but Unfuck Your Habitat is basically Flylady without the syrup
But they basically both make a big deal about establishing routines, big and little
I try to break it down into chores-per-day. So like, dusting one day. Cleaning the kitchen the next.
That keeps it from turning into "I have to clean the whole house," which can turn into a whole-day thing.
Or at least feel so intimidating that I don't even want to start.
okay also learning about depression nests at this late stage is very :-o
Dr. Q›(
Also if you’re able to do something on a regular basis, it doesn’t build up and become intimidating. Versus what I used to do which was frantically clean before guests visited and cry inside because I’d put things off
honestly I pick a few podcasts that I really enjoy, and...
I allow myself to listen to them exclusively in cleaning mode
it doesn't matter what chore I do (usually it starts at the sink)
But I cannot start them until I'm doing the householding.
I have 3 that are about a 45-1hr long that update weekly or bi-weekly, so... usually that results in about 2 1/2 hours of cleaning built into my routine if I want to keep up with them.
And that time passes pretty smoothly/in flow state once I get going
I have 2 cooking/food industry ones, and 1 that is more about mindfulness/self help
Huh. Cool, thanks!
Dr. Q›( : Yes. This. Yeah.
Dr. Q›( : wait do you have depression too
Dr. Q›(
Its a simple yet hard life hack
I'm not saying I'm getting more stressed but I started rocking which is not usually one of my self soothing motions
Dr. Q›(
Not that I know of, but I feel like cleaning regularly is hard for most people (am jealous of people for whom it is not)