Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
OwlsNotAsThySem this is also a good month for them to get hitched? yes/no?
Vincent Gogh
before Oct/November and 10s probability of dying goes up
Indeed.... ooh. I mean, it's not going to be a huge ceremony, more like a commitment ceremony/handfasting, maybe by the lake?
Vincent Gogh
nod nod
The two of them and a handful of friends, just... nothing huge, just their words, their love, and some fellowship.
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Crowley's on the list for sure; someone's made it obvious they ICLy ship the two
Because... Jack's been through two weddings that we know of, and he's a bit burnt out on the fuss.
Vincent Gogh
OwlsNotAsThySem anyways we should make the small list
We should!
Crowley, Aziraphale, Ariadne (Jack's friend)
Vincent Gogh
lets have a number
Vincent Gogh
because 10 has a good chuck of CR
Vincent Gogh
Gwen Poole
Vincent Gogh
and I want to say Albus but the flipside - that might be hurtful to Albus atm
Vincent Gogh
Vira of course
Vincent Gogh
Crowley, Aziraphale, Ariadne, Vira, Gwen Poole (and Albus pending) OwlsNotAsThySem thoughts?
River, of course!!
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
and what were thinking exactly as far as the ceremony?
Vincent Gogh
its more on you since we don't know exactly what Gallifreyens/Time Lords did if anything for this sort of thing
Vincent Gogh
to be honest dont think their society did
Vincent Gogh
with the expectation of Leela marrying one of the Gallfreyiean guards but Leela was human
Vincent Gogh
and Gallifrey's 'religion' is science
Vincent Gogh
as The Doctor doesnt believe in a life after death
Vincent Gogh
OwlsNotAsThySem basically 10 will go along with whatever Jack wants because his culture not having a tradition per say
Hmmm.... probably a matter of writing their own promises to each other.
Not likely to have a celebrant to bless the matter, unless someone decides to quietly ask Sodder to bless them somehow?
She's the nearest thing to a d/Deity in this place...
. . . On second thought, that might be a bad idea. o.o
Vincent Gogh
yeah lets stick to just them writing promises to each other :>
KISS - Keep It Simple, Silly /grins/
Vincent Gogh
LOL lets all sing the snog song
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
>.> and now I have the 12 Doctors of Christmas fanmade video in my head
Vincent Gogh
on the 10th day of Christmas Dave Tennat gave to me - too much snoggin
Vincent Gogh
remembered_message would you like to do any of these - cant get inspired with your arrival prompt sorry
Smol Mess
The mini event seems like it could be good.
Vincent Gogh
Smol Mess
Usagi's been upset about the whole Moon thing, so Makoto would be all for helping to take care of anything that would help with that.
Vincent Gogh
makes sense
Vincent Gogh
remembered_message will have a top level up tomorrow :> did you want to do all of that event?
Vincent Gogh
or just the Moon Presence part?
Vincent Gogh
OwlsNotAsThySem McCoy? For the invite?
THIS! re: McCoy.
Vincent Gogh
okay one last roll call
He kind of saved them, so as far as Jack's concerned, he's a boon companion.
Vincent Gogh
Crowley, Aziraphale, Ariadne, Vira, Gwen Poole, River, McCoy and maybe Albus
Works for me!
Vincent Gogh
and McCoy and 10 really bonded futher at the Woodstock
Vincent Gogh
Do you have Ariande on your plurk?
Smol Mess
I'll do as much or as little as you'd like.
Vincent Gogh
remembered_message okay! I am waiting on a few questions that others asked the mods to be answered but other wise I will am going to most likely put up the entire event in a top level
Ahhh.... I think she's on Discord