Cami Mahovlich
Am I the only person who is crazy fucking anal when it comes to picking out beds in SL? I have to not only like how it looks, but it has to have great singles and couples animations. And I don't mean one or two of each, I like lots of options. Prefer color change and none of these new sequence sits and cuddles.
Cami Mahovlich
I also wont pay more for a bed then I would a house in sl, so sorry not dishing out 3500 just for a bed that is only one color :/
Skittles 🍄
Im the same. Beds are hard
Skittles 🍄
Sofas are worse though
Cami Mahovlich
Skittles 🍄 : Same, and even bathtubs and hot tubs. I have about 7 hot tubs and dont like any of them lol
Cami Mahovlich
not everyone in SL has a SO or wants to do nothing but bang. It drives me mad
I really like beds that include a blanket option, and sleep anims too lol
Cami Mahovlich
Ziekel : I always think the blanket is cute too
check out infinity
ღChrista Echosღ
I am the same way, I get so picky on furniture and houses...especially houses.
i only buy furniture to blog so animations don't bother me but I do like texture change ones and mod ones
Cami Mahovlich
ღChrista Echosღ : OMG yes, I'm the same way with houses
Cami Mahovlich
Eve/Katharine : Oh furniture to blog, I dont care, but for my own personal use I'm completely different
Cami Mahovlich
Cass : I will take a peek at them, thanks!
Cami Mahovlich
Cass : do you have a LM? I cant find it in search
infinite not infinity sorry AITUI
Cami Mahovlich
Cass : Well, that explains it lol, thanks!
ღChrista Echosღ
Cami Mahovlich : yes! Like if there is even ONE thing I don't like about the house I wont get it even if I like the rest if it. I also have a lot of beds so if you want tomorrow I can show them to you
Cami Mahovlich
ღChrista Echosღ : I have many from blogging and that I've bought, and want something new and can't find anything that I just instantly fall for. I feel like I've always settled
ღChrista Echosღ
Cami Mahovlich : I often feel like that myself, let me know if you want to see what I have, nevet know you might like something I have
Cami Mahovlich
ღChrista Echosღ : Thanks for the offer, I will let you know
ღChrista Echosღ
Cami Mahovlich : you're welcome, and no problem.
There is one bed Fulli has that was old & prim heavy, but had animations for all kinds of situations, everything that could happen in a bed including watching a movie with prop popcorn. I removed the prims, and positioned the core over a nice new mesh bed. Best of Best worlds. -^
Finding good furniture is hard. Looking nice is one thing, and also well rounded with animations too? almost impossible.
Cami Mahovlich
DevinVaughn : Yes, that exactly. Just found a great looking bed, one sleep animation, thats it? what? Your idea sounds awesome, I wonder if that is even something I could do now with mesh
Cami Mahovlich : find your best copy/mod bed animations. Look for the parent prim/mesh that holds all the animations. Many times it's a single prim you can unlink. Once unlinked just position it over the bed of your choice
You will need trial and error it to find the best position. When you want to use it, be sure to sit on that transparent prim instead of the bed.
Cami Mahovlich
DevinVaughn : I will do that, thank you so much. It's something I forgot you could even do.
Cami Mahovlich : good luck!!
Cami Mahovlich : you might be able to link the new animations to. New bed but most the time it goes wrong for me. So I just look for the secret prim animations.