Lord Lady
oh hey hooters is on ubereats now
Lord Lady
which I find super funny bc like don't you go to hooters for only one thing
Lord Lady
I've never heard good things about the food
yeah the food isn't good at hooters.
source: i have been to hooters
Oh god no theyre coming
Lord Lady
its a bold move for them to try to sell food without a beautiful woman there to serve it
sin town
The fried pickles are aiight if you’re into that
Lord Lady
they only pickle I've ever eaten was by mistake
Lord Lady
and it ruined my day
sin town
LMAO I thought i was remembering you don’t like them
sin town
But otherwise that was the only thing on the menu I remember being ok
sin town
Admittedly I haven’t had Hooters since like 2010 or 2009