Someone's got a badge-earning party thread going and I might toss Jack on there for an overnight in the forest, so that might be one night Jack's away from Chez Time Shenanigans
See, Aziraphale won't want to leave the house and miss when Crowley gets back, but he wouldn't mind the company. Even if he will be mostly just puttering around the house in a fugue of rage and hurt, all directed at Deerington all over again. Stupid town, hurting his demons, taking one from him and then killing the other, stupid town, stupid mayor, DAMN
Hmm, good question. :|a I don't know if Aziraphale will make a post about it. He just mentioned it the last time because he needed help cleaning up the aftermath and was like "oh. Right. Covered in blood. Um. This looks bad."
Oh yeah, he won't complain at all if he has people over. He won't ask for it because he doesn't use his words, but he'll be happy for people there to distract him.
That I'm not sure on, we're still working out the details, I think. Just know it's going to be the end of this month so that Crowley can start next month fresh.
Which he would have most certainly done if he could. Giles is important to Crowley, and even if he doesn't know him very well, Crowley died so Giles and Buffy would be fine, so he's going to make damn sure that he's ok after it happens. And then he'll go home and be a wreck.