Vincent Gogh
[PSL] Plot with me for September?
Vincent Gogh
and/or wishes you have
Vincent Gogh
tronja307020 when its found out - Doctor will ask if Azi wants The Doctor to live with the Angel for a bit till Crowley comes back
Vincent Gogh
not good for old beings to be alone
weh, he's so good
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Autumn atmospheric stuff for Jack before everything goes to hell in October
Vincent Gogh
And of course, someone to tag into the Shady One's TDM.... /pokes at it.
Vincent Gogh
oh I was just giving you the heads up too that this might be a thing
/reading up the thread Sorry...
Vincent Gogh
if Azi is okay with the Doctor being there till Crowley comes back - 10 will also ask about Jack too and ask Jack
Vincent Gogh
yeah Crowley died apparenly
Vincent Gogh
Latroma the boys might temporary move out
Jack won't mind The Doctor going to stay with Azi! He might even pop by to check on 'e,
I mean, Crowley sort of was the go-between when Jack was getting in touch with the Doctor when Jack first arrived.
Vincent Gogh
\o though 10 will be probably be back in the evening if Jack doesn't go with for bed time
Vincent Gogh
unless Azi wants someone there for a night or two - will see what the player says
I'll make a note of the temporary absence. She makes sure they have keys and while they're away has sexy parties
Vincent Gogh
Latroma it might not be at night so will keep you posted
Someone's got a badge-earning party thread going and I might toss Jack on there for an overnight in the forest, so that might be one night Jack's away from Chez Time Shenanigans
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
but yeah; as soon its found about Crowley someone will be at the doorstep no doubt
Vincent Gogh
Aɗɗαмѕ GW Wolf BloodCri you guys up for some PSLs?
GW Wolf
I am so slow it is not even funny, but I still like the ideas.
Vincent Gogh
GW Wolf huuuuugs okay that is fair and maybe get 10 and Clark doing something on BakerStreet?
Vincent Gogh
captain_flyboy we've talked :>
GW Wolf
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
I liked your idea on those two :-)
See, Aziraphale won't want to leave the house and miss when Crowley gets back, but he wouldn't mind the company. Even if he will be mostly just puttering around the house in a fugue of rage and hurt, all directed at Deerington all over again. Stupid town, hurting his demons, taking one from him and then killing the other, stupid town, stupid mayor, DAMN
Vincent Gogh
It'll probably do him good to have someone there to calm him down.
Vincent Gogh
nod nod
Vincent Gogh
tronja307020 any ideas how 10 can find out ICly about Crowleys death?
Hmm, good question. :|a I don't know if Aziraphale will make a post about it. He just mentioned it the last time because he needed help cleaning up the aftermath and was like "oh. Right. Covered in blood. Um. This looks bad."
Poor dummy doesn't use his words when he should. Or ask for help.
maybe Ten tries to call Crowley and Aziraphale answers it, instead?
Vincent Gogh
mmm trying to think why 10 would call Crowley
Vincent Gogh
I could figure out something if thats how you want to roll this :-)
Vincent Gogh
will Azi want 10 to be staying over-night or?
yeah, or if you have an idea, we can look at that, too. I'm pretty open to ideas. lol
Oh yeah, he won't complain at all if he has people over. He won't ask for it because he doesn't use his words, but he'll be happy for people there to distract him.
Vincent Gogh
no; I mean if 10 asks Azi if The Doctor should stay the night
Vincent Gogh
also when did Crowley die?
Oh, yeah, if he actually asks if he wants people staying over, he'll admit that yes, he might, actually.
Vincent Gogh
That I'm not sure on, we're still working out the details, I think. Just know it's going to be the end of this month so that Crowley can start next month fresh.
Vincent Gogh
okay- well get back to me on that? and we'll figure how 10 finds out and go from that? :-)
Vincent Gogh
we do need to figure out how much we're threading and handwaving though
Vincent Gogh
tronja307020 and OwlsNotAsThySem said above Jack might pop in too ^^
That's fine. XD
Vincent Gogh
Azi you have good fruads
Vincent Gogh
yes I typoed on purpose
Vincent Gogh
ʙᴏɴᴇs and this is a good excuse for 10 to check up on Giles after Azi
Vincent Gogh
or running between Azi and Giles
Oh yeah, gotta check on all the frans ;w;
Vincent Gogh
yes :3
Vincent Gogh
does Azi know where Giles lives?
...I don't think he does, unless after the event, he followed Giles home to make sure he got there safely.
Which he would have most certainly done if he could. Giles is important to Crowley, and even if he doesn't know him very well, Crowley died so Giles and Buffy would be fine, so he's going to make damn sure that he's ok after it happens. And then he'll go home and be a wreck.
Vincent Gogh
okay! awesome! so its just 10 finding out Crowley died and the rest is easy peasy
Vincent Gogh
Azi will absolutely get an invite to Giles's place for them all to get patched up and catch their breath after
awww giles
ok, Giles making sure he's ok will catch him completely off-kilter, negl. XD But then he can be a little bit of a one track mind.
i do like some PSLs
Still up for it! I am very slow today
Vincent Gogh
ʙᴏɴᴇs thats how 10 will know how to just show up after seeing Azi at Azi's place :-), k?
works for me!
Vincent Gogh