Trump lies and before you know it, you’re drinking b...
JavaWinters 😷
Trump lies and before you know it, you’re drinking bleach, sticking a lightbulb up your ass and using the C-word. TrumpLies
JavaWinters 😷
NOTE FROM HELEN – I use a lot of dirty words in this story. A lot even for me. And dirty even for me. If you suffer through the nasty language, I think you might enjoy the intended message. If not, I’m sorry. Get over it.
Long but a good read
JavaWinters 😷
Asshat is genderless, right? I mean everyone has an ass and a head and pretty much every Republican I have met – male, female, intersex, Lindsey Graham – has been able to easily and successfully stick their head up their own ass or, in the case of Lindsey Graham, up Trump’s ass.
Well said, Helen!