Vincent Gogh
if the darkness in-game ever turns out to be
Vincent Gogh
aka shadows that eat you
Crowley's gonna nope the fuck out of that one
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Crowley might feel that way with how the darkness is in September - at least at first because of how pitch black the darkness will be
and then he'll be like, wait, we're getting these fucks but River isn't here? Extra nope.
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Vincent Gogh
but River didnt know how to defeat them :-P
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she didnt even know what they were
No, but now that he knows the Whoniverse is real he's low key hopoing she'll show
Vincent Gogh
oh? do tell
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why so?
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since the last episode Crowley saw - she killed 11
He thinks she's a fun little agent of chaos. Knows too much but somehow not enough.
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fair ^^
One day he'll have another chaotic friend. ;A;
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someone worried that he's getting soft?
nah, he's not worried about it. He knows it.
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Vincent Gogh
River would have to put up with a lot with her husband so to speak there in the gif
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Who doesn't know he's her husband - yet
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and Crowley hasnt gotten to an episode of finding out River is his wife
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timey wimey wibbly wobbly
no. He also hasn't gotten to the River Backstory episodes
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such is the life of a time traveler
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how many times are you married Doctor?
l o l
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but yeah, Crowley hasn't gotten to the "moffat fucking ruined your character, River" episodes thankfully for him
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and its not like River didnt marry a lot outside of The Doctor
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least according to her Big Finish audios
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she even married herself xD
l o l
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and cleopatra and a bunch I dont remember off hand anymore she rambled off a lot
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just generally remember the list was men and women and herself
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but since it was audio - we don't know what the species were
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cause River and The Doctor and Jack are not only able to time travel but move in space
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and a non-human can have a name like Fred so its frustrating
whoniverse /shrug
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yes XD
Vincent Gogh
we do know Cleo is the Queen of the Nile as there's a TV epsiode so
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but yeah if River did show up - Jacks better with sharing than Rose is
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it just be up to River if she wants to win that face of her husband over or not
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cause thats what she'd have to do as 10 isnt 11, 12 or 13
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because 10 could be right next to her like The Library epsiode and not know who she is to him
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Vincent Gogh
Im surprised that she told him his real name and still didn't piece it together
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and hence why 10 was still tempted to look at her journal at the end
Vincent Gogh
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊𝕱𝖚𝖗𝖇𝖞𝕭𝖆𝖇𝖞❓ I feel like theres a joke here- You know you watch or RP from Doctor Who when the characters themselves don't always know someone you think they ought to know
Vincent Gogh
like 10 doesn't know ICly who Clara is
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and yet Jack is from a spinoff show of Torchwood and knows 10 better than Clara
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or -
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you're all from the same canon but dont always know each other ICly
ha ha yeah