Spider Hider
16 – 53
New chapters starting here, and I've redone my Patreon with rewards and everything!
anal railgun
oh dear god in fucking heaven.
anal railgun
also i use a separate account for patreon for supporting people than my main one so i'll have to see if i still remember my login for that to acknowledge the tier re-do
Spider Hider
No worries, I'm still ironing out kinds and wrinkles. Nothing new ever launches smoothly. I've already identified and fixed one problem; new backer tiers now have discord roles.
anal railgun
Spider Hider : how do i use the eserite tier password exactly
Spider Hider
On the wordpress site the most recent chapter should bring up nothing but a password input block. Ctrl-V the password from Patreon into that.
Spider Hider
There's a next chapter link under 16 - 53 as usual, but it's after the vote blurb so it might be easily missable.
anal railgun
anal railgun
yeah i've gotten used to just clicking over via the discord announcements
Spider Hider
I borrowed that system in its entirety from TWI. In fact all the new benefits are cribbed from other serialists who make a lot more than I do on Patreon.
anal railgun
.... how do i assign a backer tier-related role to my discord handle or access the backer channel
Spider Hider
It's been done automatically for everyone else, but for some it took a few minutes.
Spider Hider
Patreon added a bot to the channel to do it.
Spider Hider
As long as your Patreon and Discord accounts are integrated, that is.
anal railgun
.... oh, i don't think they are
Spider Hider
Yeah, perils of multiple accounts.
anal railgun
lol that'd be why
Spider Hider
I had to do some logging in and out to get mine properly connected.
Spider Hider
Patreon will link to discord in your browser if you're logged into that.
anal railgun
ah there we are