Lord Nick
Who has two thumbs and has to get a tetanus shot on Tuesday.

This guy.
Lord Nick
Life tip: put on shoes to take out the garbage because you never know when some dickhead dropped a sewing pin in your front yard.
ohhh boyyyy good luck with that
Lord Nick
I haven't had to get one before but apparently they suck?
Can make your arm hurt for a good while anyhow.
Lord Nick
I can handle a sore arm.
yeah i've never had to get a post-facto one, just the regular TDAP vaccine
Lyra + a Player
Is the “I stepped on something rusty in the dirt” tetanus shot the same as the preventative TDaP shot?
Lord Nick
I have no idea
Lyra + a Player
Because the TDaP is an annoying fucker. I got a new dose on Tuesday, barely felt the needle, and am STILL sore
Lyra + a Player
At least I was able to lift my arm over my shoulder by Thursday but it’s still stiff
Lord Nick
Something to look forward to.
Yeaaah, mine had a lump for about a week and then I couldn't lift my arm for at least another. My husband got over his better though.
Prince C
it's the same one
Prince C
there's one that's just the toxoid but I just vax everyone on principle
Lord Nick
Sounds fair enough. So how much does the needle suck?