`In Schitt’s Creek we are writing a world that examines the transformational effects of love when the threat of hate and intolerance has been removed from the equation. While that’s not a reality for many, our goal is to shine a light out there that asks the question, What if it was? Wouldn’t we all be happier if we were able to love out loud?`
主要針對目前兩部front runner-Schitt's Creek富家窮路&The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel漫才梅索太太和其他可能的黑馬。
先說全部8部入圍喜劇,我看過5部,其中我最喜歡的,也是目前主要的領跑者-Schitt's Creek跟The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Schitt's Creek起初是一部很小的劇,沒有什麼預算更沒有什麼觀眾,是一路上,憑著好的劇本演員,憑著每個人好評口耳相傳才有今天的聲望。但相較於Mrs. Maisel,仍然是比不上它的超高預算及華麗布景等等。
主創Dan Levy將這部劇打造成一個更好的世界,它裡面不是在說教,更沒有仇恨的展現,而是一個包容友善的環境,讓大家看到這樣的一個地方不是很好嗎?
In Schitt’s Creek we are writing a world that examines the transformational effects of love when the threat of hate and intolerance has been removed from the equation. While that’s not a reality for many, our goal is to shine a light out there that asks the question, What if it was? Wouldn’t we all be happier if we were able to love out loud?
`但認真考慮因素 下面是我今年emmys喜劇類的預測
最佳喜劇: Schitt's Creek
女主: Catherine O'Hara (SC)
男主: Ramy Youssef (Ramy)
女配: Alex Borstein (Mrs. Maisel)
男配: Dan Levy(SC)
導演: Mrs. Maisel
編劇: Schitt's Creek