[Health]: AAAAA my knee's swollen.
I took the day off. I took some naproxen sodium and my leg is propped up. We are doing little (get the door for food deliveries) to no activity (playing video games on my switch) and hoping there is an improvement soon
But I am very anxious and upset. I'm going through the motions of being good to me and handling this. I'VE TRAINED MY WHOLE LIFE FOR THIS
But still. I am also bothering my health insurance company and researching hospitals with rheumatology departments to get this shit under control
Spoilers: rheumatologists are oddly difficult to find in Shanghai
Rheumatologists that speak English *
I can wing it in Chinese, but all of my medical documents and history is in English so they have to be able to read it so we can skip the boring ARE YOU SURE YOU HAVE RA? And go straight to WELL SHIT, YOU HAVE RA here's the medicine you've been asking for
Bio-pharmaceuticals should not be so challenging to get ahold of
^ When you have a history of using them and them being effective enough to put you into remission, not once but TWICE
unkie 🌚
could you get it translated?
I could! I'm going to look into it if I can't find a rheumatologist that speaks English
unkie 🌚
probs a good backup plan! obviously i hope u find an english speaking rheumatologist
unkie 🌚
and i hope your knee behaves
Thanks, bro. My knee is a little better but it's hard to tell. There are no Swollen Knee Scales, unfortunately. Instead it's "How many cotton balls does it feel like I'm squishing as I walk" sort of scale
If it's LOTS the answer is usually "ow"
All figurative
unkie 🌚
measuring circumference of knee (MCK)
HAHAHA yes, okay. Can do