bird mother
[mute] RP tdl for later
bird mother
bird mother
bird mother
bird mother
bird mother
bird mother
bird mother
bird mother
bird mother
Ok, those are current threads that need tags, so "To Do" for starting threads:
bird mother
bird mother
- Decide if I'm going to do a top level for the Fibber meme (Depends on what pictures I could find to inspire me)
bird mother
- See if I there's any other meme comments I want to jump on
bird mother
bird mother
- dhsf
♪( ´θ`)
worst uncle you say, you must be speaking of jin guangyao 😤 just point him out and jiang cheng will throw him in the garbage for you
bird mother
bird mother
jiujiu no it's fine
bird mother
also whoops, that link broke:
bird mother
that'd be an awkward conversation, tho. Jin Ling will probably pass some details along after he talks to Lan Wangji
bird mother
bird mother
1. ✔
bird mother
2. ✔
bird mother
3. ✔
bird mother
5. ✔
bird mother
7. ✔