Sesshomaru was already recast in the last season (because the actor moved to America) but iirc Takahashi picked Inuyasha himself (because he also voiced Ranma) so here’s hoping
I have no idea what the Canadian VA scene is like nowadays tho. They’re hardly ever used that I know of - when anime wants cheap, non union work they seem to be going to NY more I think now
there’s actually a decent amount to unpack here and from the trailer - particularly the guy with Sango’s boomerang and Kilala, so hey if you were wondering about her and Miroku and given how fanficcy the rest of this is, I’d hazard he’s their son
I am willing to give a LOT more leeway to “let’s see what Sunrise can do” than Studio Pierrot
I fell off Inuyasha after a point which I think is true for most people but it’s always had an interesting world setting so I’m legit curious what they’re gonna do
Beniyaha, destroyer of lands
And ONLY him
not far fetched given they use LA for Naruto and OPM iircGod, I think the last Canada dub I watched, and rather enjoyed, was Gundam 00? That was forever ago
I fell off Inuyasha after a point
which I think is true for most peoplebut it’s always had an interesting world setting so I’m legit curious what they’re gonna do