Year of the Cat
Alright, did tags at work since I had nothing to do today. Time to do more now that I'm home!!
Year of the Cat
Been tagging furiously and gotten down 20+ tags over the past two days. Need to do a LOT more to clear the inbox (I'm ashamed to say how much) but it shall be done!!
Year of the Cat
Also, some really REALLY old tags are coming people's ways. No hard feelings if anything needs to be dropped. I'm just a dumbass with a shiny and FOMO syndrome and always take on too many.
Year of the Cat
This is what happens when you tag with people who give you boomerang tags and tags only once a week or month. I end up wanting MORE while I wait and take on too much always.
Year of the Cat
Plus Deerington in general just encourages this bad habit in order to stay on top of things.