Within Temptation - Fire And Ice (Official Music Vid...
Every word you're saying is a lie 謊言是你所說的字字句句
Run away my dear 逃離吧 吾愛
But every sign will say your heart is dead 可每個跡象都訴說著你心已死去
Bury all the memories 所有回憶今皆埋葬
Cover them with dirt 覆之以塵土
Where's the love we once had 曾經的愛今在何方
Our destiny's unsure 命運未明朗
Why can't you see what we had 何以我們曾擁有的你都看不見
Let the fire burn the ice 讓烈焰燒毀寒冰
Where's the love we once had 曾經的愛今在何方
Is it all a lie 是否全是謊
And I still wonder 而我仍心存疑惑
Why heaven has died 為何天堂死去
The skies are all falling 天空正在墜落
I'm breathing but why 我仍有呼吸卻是為何
In silence I hold on 在寂靜中我緊緊抓牢
To you and I 你我
Closer to insanity 近乎瘋狂
Buries me alive 將我生葬
Where's the life we once had 曾有的生活今在何方
It cannot be denied 無法否認
Why can't you see what we had 何以我們曾擁有的你都看不見
Let the fire burn the ice 讓烈焰燒毀寒冰
Where's the love we once had 曾經的愛今在何方
Is it all a lie 是否全是謊
And I still wonder 而我仍心存疑惑
Why heaven has died 為何天堂死去
The skies are all falling 天空正在墜落
I'm breathing but why 我仍有呼吸卻是為何
In silence I hold on 在寂靜中我緊緊抓牢
To you and I 你我
You run away 你逃離
You hide away 你躲藏
To the other side of the universe 在天地的另一端
Where you're safe from all that hunts you down 那裡你能安全地免遭搜捕
But the world has gone 然而世界經已不見
Where you belong 你所屬之處
And it feels too late so you're moving on 感覺已經太遲而你已向前看
Can you find your way back home 你能否找到回家的路
And I still wonder 而我仍心存疑惑
Why heaven has died 為何天堂死去
The skies are all falling 天空正在墜落
I'm breathing but why 我仍呼吸卻是為何
In silence I hold on 在寂靜中我緊緊抓牢
To you and I 你我