Howdy folks, what sort of posts would you like to see here? I know "looking for RP" is always popular. What else would be helpful?
periodic plugs for lesser known memes and memecomms
friending memes? roundups of currently-open TDMs/app cycles?
♫•♬• 𝙉𝙞𝙠𝙞𝙡 •♬•♫
Seconding the roundups of currently open TDMs and app cycles.
muppet screech
Where Is Harkan
I think "soon to open" TDM and app cycles might possible be more useful
God Bird
Seconding TDMs, memecomms, and friending memes
God Bird
And also PSL memes would be great
God Bird
: Thats exactly what i like
reports on new or up-and-coming games!
Reports on different styles of games, too, perhaps? i.e. Something for jamjars, something for memory loss, something for AU
I think it would also be really helpful/good to post the looking for RP one a little more often, too.
Not over-saturating is good obviously, but it always gets a little bit nuts in there for a while and I’m sure I miss people/offers.
Something for people seeking cast mates?
Specific fandom plugs
This could get a little tricky bc like bigger fandoms are likely to get more plugs and folks might get a bit left out, but you could poll people about fandoms to plug
I think also if there's a way to connect people to the more private/invite-side of DWRP without being invasive, that'd be cool
Like, Discords or things that don't get advertised much
There's a whole side of DWRP, as it's been pointed out, that most people don't even know about.
And kink-find-a-kink Plurks, bc that's obviously gonna be a big thing
(Easy way for folks to meet up, haha)
I'm taking notes here! For TDMs, apps, and the like, I'm always happy to replurk wherever I'm tagged in. (... because, you're all rad, but I totally can't keep track.)
Celizabeth Hood
maybe every once in a while, support ur local dwrper could be nice? :Ua like for ppl who have commissions or gofundmes or iconmakers or surveys yada yada
Celizabeth Hood
idk if that fits the line of what this plurk is going for but
yeah, I was going to mention that it's be nice to have my new pb comm advertised, and other such comms
what about like Discord RP spaces? that seems to be pretty in with people right now.
returning: Works for me!