[tmi-ish health shit, mute]
I have an ulcer in my mouth under my tongue, and on the same side, one of my tonsils is all swollen. can't see it (too fat) but I can feel it.
And I've head a headache for literal months now.
tl;dr: i feel. like shit.
Dakota 🐦‍⬛🪵
Get to urgent care stat not a life threatening illness but enough of a problem that it warrants quick action.
Unfortunately, no insurance. And broke.

I have requested, many times, when I did have insurance, to have my tonsils removed but they never would. The damn things do this a lot (several times a year), but that wasn’t enough to get them removed.
Dakota 🐦‍⬛🪵
Interesting that makes me mad and sucks you don’t have insurance. I don’t know where you live but do you qualify for Medicaid?
i'm really shocked you can't get medicaid, my state gave me medicaid just for being an uninsured mother
I probably could but I always freak out and go into panic attack mode when I have to fill out the paperwork. Because my anxiety is fucking terrible. And none of the offices (my usual cheat) are open because plague.
Dakota 🐦‍⬛🪵
sometimes you can have others fill it out and you just like sign the paper work at the end
Yeah, it's just... I really need to do it in a quiet space, which is why I tend to go into the office, but those are all close, and I can't think with a 3 yo around.
It's really stupid how stressful filling out paperwork to get healthcare is... because if I had healthcare, I could fill it out if my anxiety was managed! ... But it's completely unmanaged so and I can't fill out the stupid paperwork. shrug Fuck me, I guess.
My anxiety is currently so bad, I don't want to log into SL or play fucking Animal Crossing. Because people.
Dakota 🐦‍⬛🪵