Of all the things, I don't have a recent general commentary/chatty plurk. So here one is.
I'm really just making it to say that I specifically set aside time to do my tags tonight and also have some fic time, but instead I'm just wiped and so off to bed I go.
That’s a mood.
𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔯.
𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔯.
fic and tags will always be there
Gonna see about getting caught up on tags between work things today and see how that goes.
I'm REALLY TRYING to get some like... separation of work and home stuff going on. It wasn't a problem before, but it's getting to be one now where if I'm at my computer all day for work and then at my computer all night for FFXIV it gets a little hard to brain either one?
So I'm trying to physically get up and move to another room to write/RP. The only problem is, my desktop set up is primo and my laptop is tiny.
And it can be difficult to deal with not having a mou-- wait, why don't I get a fucking lapdesk you absolute idiot.
I have an extra good mouse.
This commentary brought to you by realizing the solution to the thing you are bitching about mid-type.
“I know I have had a little to drink but definitely not enough to feel bad, so why do I suddenly feel all gross?”
Five minutes later: /deafening peal of thunder
Ah. Ah I see.
I don’t know why but my whole life the pressure change from incoming really big storms has always just kind of fucked me up.
Just started here too
I never know whether I love or hate when I write a tag that just seems like... a response to the thread? And then it's a GIANT WALL OF TEXT.
Some threads just be like that, I guess. But I always kind of second guess whether or not I'm just running around chewing scenery for the sake of it.
Versus actually putting forth things that advance the plot.
I'm actually VERY happy with this particular tag, but just, in general, those like "oh shit, I tl;dred" tags always kind of ping that for me for a moment.
I'm the same way about super short tags. Because sometimes you just need a line or two in a moment-- particularly in sexy stuff, but I always worry I'm not giving enough if my tag is only a few sentences.
𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔯.
OH I FEEL THIS i love... introspective tags and i love writing them but also i fear that they're not as engaging to other people
𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔯.
and it's like "okay i'm happy with this BUT WILL YOU BE?"
Yeah. I need to not be too worried about it because I LOVE GETTING THOSE TAGS as long as they don’t move past something my character would have a reaction to.
Like, the only time I DONT love a giant ass teal deer is when something in the first sentence or two is something my character would react violently to (not with violence, but VERY strongly) but then there’s like, eight paragraphs after that.
So either you have to come up with a reason you wouldn’t react, gloss the reaction, or ask someone to change literally their entire novella because of you.
No one who’s reading this does this, btw. But I have had previous PSL partners do it consistently.
But even then, those are still fine until it becomes like... god nodding through info dump?
I have come across that before and it's somewhat difficult
I did try asking the person to not assume so much since I can only respond to thing out of the many many things their character says
I REALLY TRY to put all my introspection first because of that and stick whatever I’m saying at the end. Sometimes the flow doesn’t quite work out that way or I need some like... throw away dialogue in the beginning/middle somewhere. But I try to stick everything that
I think is going to garner a response closer to the end of my tags than the beginning, regardless of how long they are. (It’s just less noticeable in shorter tags)
I think that's a good strategy yeah, I try to do that as well (and feel free to ask me to cut something if you feel like there would be a major reaction somewhere earlier)
I usually keep throwaway banter at the top and the 'hook' dialogue last
I think the only time it’s been an issue out of this entire VERY WORDY thread it was my own issue, not yours, and we talked about it.
Where I was like “okay, my character is actually going to IMMEDIATELY react to their own action but there also kind of needs to be a reaction point in here as well and this would all just happen simultaneously IRL, but...”
You know, talking about this makes me wonder how many other people consider construction as well as content in their posts.
I mean, I know I don't personally always think about it.
For like, shorter tags or things where I'm kind of just getting from point a to point b.
But I think about it a LOT for any kind of tag that has tension in it, whether that's sexy or not.
I think about it wayyy too much which is partly why it sometimes takes me hours to finish a tag
I definitely understand where you're coming from! for those of us who enjoy writing and not just rping, I think it can be really stressful sometimes? like there are people who can tap out replies in 2 seconds and I'm always like HOW...
I focus a lot more on construction these days because I've been re-reading old threads and going YIKES at how sloppy the writing flow feels sometimes
I sometimes get into a zone or a place where words just kind of roll onto the screen and it sounds good/decent but otherwise I need to re-read constantly and figure out composition better so it doesn't feel disjointed or stilted
I usually am mostly thinking about structure less in a fiction or good writing sense and more in a "is there something here that moves the action along and is it at a point in the tag that makes sense/doesn't defeat the point."
𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔯.
i could probably stand to consider structure a bit more for ease of replying, but i do try to answer "does something happen in this tag" with a "yes"
𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔯.
but it's deffo something i keep in mind, giving my tagging partner something to, yk, respond TO, if only b/c threads can die or go around in circles so easily
I usually go a step further into "is there something here to react to" but not always. Sometimes you just get to a point where doing the tag is more important and you just have to hope the other person can find something there to volley the damn thing back to you with.
But I will say, nothing kills play for me quite like being in a several tag streak where I don't feel like anything is happening and there's nothing to respond to. Everyone has bad tags, or tags where they just kind of have to poop them out and hope for the best.
But when there's a run of it, it can be really disheartening/difficult to move things along.
I have the same feeling, honestly. I always try to move the action along too but if you ever feel like I'm being stagnant, please feel free to let me know :3
𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔯.
Okay, just... not a great day today. Got some good work done on some RL and job things and then just like... completely gassed out.
Tags tomorrow and I think I want to try to do some boomeranging if someone is around this weekend at some point. I am having that thing where you kind of fall out of doing tags and now it's hard to get back INTO doing them even though I needed the break before and no longer need the break now. >_<
alas, I have work tomorrow and cannot boomerang
𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔯.
I should be around! All I’ve got on weekends is raid in the evenings
I can probably boomerang on the weekend if we end up around at the same time for a bit!
You ever start writing a sentence in a tag and you do something sort of clever and then immediately are like "easy there, Satan" at yourself?
(I'm leaving it, though. Fuck it.)
Non-spoiler FFXIV thing: fuck yes this crafting material reverse lookup thing.
Single best QoL improvement in a game since WoW made the update so you could scroll text in the chat box with your mouse wheel.
So my birthday is coming up (i have no idea what birthday I put into plurk so pay no attention there) but my boss literally specifically said “I hope you have a splendid day” on my card and I spent the whole work call trying not to laugh hard enough to have to explain myself.