[RL] (warning for inducing symptoms of illness?) Okay, to stay home from church and escape I'm going to need proof of being "too sick to go" anybody got ideas?
Headache won't cut it.
Fever might make everybody else stay home with me
Mrs Sheepie
would you be capable of making yourself vomit? or is that too extreme
Vomiting might work but I don't know how to make that happen, and I need to feel up to lots of physical activity right after
I've never tried to before? But it would have to be some method besides sticking something into the back of my throat
Aren't there bad-quality things in the fridge?
Say it was food poisoning and you need to clean it all.
I'm not sure I'm willing to give myself food poisoning by eating them though.
Homicidal A.I
can you pretend you threw up?
Actual throwing up would be a visible enough symptom that they wouldn't try to make me go to church if I was clutching the toilet like a lifeline
Just, how to do it without making myself too sick to travel?
Mrs Sheepie
keep a drink bottle on hand for splashing sounds, lock the door and just make really gross sounds
♦ DWDB-221E ♦
wikihow suggests just eating 3-4 garlic cloves for illness-faking
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they suggest starting to ramp up "symptoms" a day or two in advance to make it more believable
I'm reading those.
I wonder if hydrogen peroxide would work? I know it's safe to give to dogs if they've eaten something they shouldn't
♦ DWDB-221E ♦
it seems like it can also induce vomiting in humans but also it's not strictly speaking safe and you have to be very careful with the amount in the solution
♦ DWDB-221E ♦
apparently drinking salt water can induce vomiting and here you don't have the issue with it causing problems for poisoning
I could try that. Salt water would be easy to disguise
Bixmas Cheer
Cramps from hell if it's close to that time?
Bixmas Cheer
Not ideal, I know especially with everything going on. but worst case
Flash Bastard
He's free of that particular excuse, alas.
Flash Bastard
(Not 'alas' overall, but in this particular case.)
Yeah that wouldn't work