So when yall gonna watch bna. When am i gonna rp shirou. When am i gonna rp again at all actually. Questions the world needs answers to
My brain is mush lately
man i keep meaning to
It's quick & easy to digest tbh
It's nothing difficult or radical with the concepts and it's a great dad-and-his-new-daughter narrative
It's really cute and about animal-human social workers
miles you ass
that last one's a big mood tbh
miles you ass
bna is definitely one for when i'm able to focus on literally anything
Right. God. I slept ALL DAY
miles you ass
my sleep schedule has been turbofucked
Ill have to send a furry after Shirou
takes notes like a reporter in the 50s
detective plus is on the case
PLEASE to all of these things
Shirou is a good boy
Perhaps the original Goodest Boy
corpse bride
I just recently watched Promare after finishing BNA and y'all, I'm still blown away by Studio Trigger's palette choices
I want to wear promare ON MY BODY
corpse bride
The fabdom made me think he was so un-fun but my god, trigger loves dorkd
corpse bride
he is quite precious and with the second TDM up we're hoping for a Galo to app in
God I love people who haven't watched bna out on twitter assuming it's another racial allegory thing about going savage
corpse bride
it does kinda have that feeling at times, from a surface viewing, but i'm interested to hear what sort of message you got from it?
steeples fingers
corpse bride
it's more of a classist issue being examined rather than racial, right?
If it was trying to be a racial allegpry it did so very weakly lol
corpse bride
(i bingewatched it in two days, so everything is a blur and i didn't allow myself to really do a deeper reading into it)
The rage comes from the stress of others being dishonest to you & inflicting pain on you
The "going savage" is more like an allegory for being abused & hurt & lashing out because of it

And then realizing that your lashing out can hurt, but can be chilled out with forgiveness and acceptance
corpse bride
nod nod
It could still BE a racial allegory I just think it didn't do so strongly & that people tend to assume it's a racial allegory BECAUSE it's furries
corpse bride
right, since a lot of people are coming off from Beastars where that IS more of what the allegory is going for
I think it is 100% more a classism issue
& right it's like... Not every furry thing with humans is a racial allegory
corpse bride
which, yeah, racism and classism definitely are intersectional issues, but the classism seems more relevant than the racist aspects
It was also assimilation vs individuality, which CAN be a racial thing but isnt solely
corpse bride
especially when you get into some of the caste(?) structures even within the beastmen societies
corpse bride
OH yeah, i did pick up on the assimilation/community vs individuality theme, though
corpse bride
but yeah, the thing where you basically have to give up your life savings just to get to the beastman city and then you STILL might not be able to claw your way out of poverty has some roots in classism and immigration policy, i think?
Yes exactly
Which is more than just a racial thing tbh
There's a lot of refugee things going on too
corpse bride
yeah, that was definitely more of the angle i was reading from, the issue of immigration/refugees trying to carve out their own space in an overwhelmingly hostile environment and how stressful that can be when you have no community or support systems to help you
Which i GUESS can be a tired allegory but i dotn... Agree
corpse bride
i probably should give it another rewatch because, again, i was distracted by all the flashy action sequences and wasn't doing a very deep reading of the themes
I'm just obsessive
I need to rewatch again bc it was just so fun
corpse bride
i do think one of the reasons people might be stuck on the racial allegory is because of the whole eugenics thing with the beastman cure, since that's... something that's overwhelmingly perpetrated against indigenous cultures and POC, historically speaking
corpse bride
like forced sterilization and such, but i could be reaching there, too
It HAS been- and I'm not sure BNA touched on sterilization tho ig you could think about it that way- but those are all issues that aren't solely race-based in the way Americans tend to think about them either
Esp when you consider Japan vs China & Korea, like Americans think of them as the same/similar races but there is a history of genocide there
Points as well to israel & palestine where the people dont look different than each other and yet genocide persists
corpse bride
oh no, for sure! it's not just a white supremacy thing, definitely
corpse bride
but yeah, i think the theme was of cultural genocide, in that sense
corpse bride
because by making them human, they're essentially erasing what the beastmen are and their culture
I feel like if this was an American narrative it absolutely would have fallen into the Full racial Allegory Hole but with its contexts (+ the fact it's Trigger and none of their messages seem to be as nuanced as progressiveness wants them to be) i feel like it gets dicey to be like "this is 100% a racial allegory"
corpse bride
and that's been done in a number of ways, like how Spain is trying to eliminate the Basque language, which would essentially erase that culture from those people
corpse bride
right, right, i do try to look at any Japanese media through a lens that "this is made with Japanese historical and cultural contexts in mind, first and foremost"
corpse bride
so, if you were gonna draw that kinda allegory, it could definitely be taken as more of social commentary on Korean immigration processes in Japan (among others, though i think i tend to read about Koreans being the biggest population of immigrants in Japan at the moment?)
Damn i didn't even think about that
People would likely still say IT'S STILL A RACIAL ALLEGORY & STILL A TIRED TROPE!!! To that but again cultural fucking context is valuable
corpse bride
like, you are absolutely right that a lot of Americans think "oh, all Asians are cool with one another" and no, they absolutely are not, for the reasons you already stated
corpse bride
and from what little i know of Japanese immigration policies, they are absolutely draconian, even for other Asian populations
I think a lot of people dont understand that when it comes to racial progressiveness japan is still behind in terms of changing attitudes so fuck if THEY need more attitude-challenging media, Americans are all that matters & Japan needs to tailor their content to us
corpse bride
again, take this with a grain of salt as i am certainly not an expert on the topic
Black people in Japan arr constantly trying to call out the anti-blackness in japan and just get shit on
*by americans
corpse bride
oh yeah, that is absolutely still a very big issue, especially when comics in the earlier aughts were still using black face caricatures in their character designs
corpse bride
deadeyed stare at Hiroyuki Takei and Shaman King
corpse bride
(which, off topic, but that manga is getting a deluxe reprint so I'm..... interested to see how that's gonna be addressed)
corpse bride
(they tried to edit the coloring somewhat in the American editions to make it less racist, but there's only so much you can do on that end)
RIGHT... And some of it is pretty recent stuff
corpse bride
but yeah, even with my equivalent of text skimming, i have to agree with you that racial allegory isn't the primary theme i would point to for this series -- but cultural genocide via assimilation definitely feels like the primary theme
corpse bride
and religion definitely plays a big role in that, too
Like honestly even tho Beastars can be a racial allegory it's also about the social caste in Japan which is something American viewers have a similar reference to w classism but it isn't the same
And people lump Beastars, Zootopia, & BNA together and guess what? only one of those things was created to be a blatant racial allegory for Americans
"We've progressed past the need for racial allegories with furries" except that apparently Japan hasn't, these are not even American they aren't racial allegories in the way Americans think of them & my god why is everyone's god damn commentary on anime always so west-centric
Like just say you don't like furries or researching and shut up
corpse bride
i keep forgetting that so many anime fans aren't particularly interested in studying the culture behind the media
corpse bride
i'm an outlier in that sense because i see something that i don't understand and go to look up the cultural implications behind it
corpse bride
(i used to be the resident "cultural otaku" on my anime club's forum so people could ask me all the questions of "what does x thing mean?" or "why does y thing keep showing up in anime?")
But it... Apparently isn't that popular to look at anime outside of a western scope
corpse bride
(i still own several books like The Anime Companion and various other scholarly works on Japanese culture as its presented in pop culture)
corpse bride
i've gotten pretty good at spotting mythological references and folklore and such because that was my main Special Interest and what drew me to looking at the source material in the first place
corpse bride
but i'm trying to expand it to modern issues, as well
corpse bride
i am... very glad that i have successfully avoided all this furry discourse, thank you for sharing your experiences with me, though!
corpse bride
i do enjoy having these sorts of discussions and will full admit where my gaps in knowledge on particular social issues might be
LMAO i only got it because twitter forces you to see what your friends like
corpse bride
i mean.... you're not wrong