boodle boy
I need everyone’s help and eyeballs, please! I’m tying to pick a font treatment for my graphic novel pitch...images below!
boodle boy
whipped up some graphic design for logo treatment for me and I like them all and wanted to get some other feedback on them! The image is not 100% final but it’s mostly what it’s going to look like
boodle boy
Option A:
boodle boy
Option B:
boodle boy
Option C:
boodle boy
Option D:
boodle boy
Presented in no order
boodle boy
For context this is for a mock cover proposal, so imagine you’re looking at a book cover. What version do you like best?
Falcon McRaven
I prefer A or C, though with C that I think the solid red circle on C is a little too heavy and if it were outlined like the text it would be more cohesive without loosing the color emphasis.
Falcon McRaven
I also like D but it feels a little small compared to the amount of space around it? I like the stacked title since it fits nicely in that space
Falcon McRaven
Oh I just noticed the title on C is different, was that intentional?
boodle boy
Yes but it might have to change....I’ve been going back and forth on “the” or not and l think I prefer no the
boodle boy
Also thank you! That’s REALLY helpful feedback
decaf coffee
I like A the best, i like how the text stands out, the text on D feels a little small to me
Falcon McRaven
Happy to help, this is looking awesome!!
I really like the font for A best, it's really eye catching
decaf coffee
but the font on B is really cool...
Peil Wiggler
I really like A
Peil Wiggler
also like it without the "the"
Peil Wiggler
also this looks fuckin awesome
Falcon McRaven
What would you think about using the lightest color in your illustration instead of the white? I love the contrast but it feels really stark, especially with the heavier type treatments.
A or B, with a preference for A. Easier to read, and it's very stark in comparison to the heavy detail in the picture, which works nicely.
GORGEOUS art too
boodle boy
🐅 its harry
i agree w lex!
boodle boy
Definitely leaning toward A which seems like a lot of people are as well
boodle boy
I feel like they all have their pros and cons but I want whatever grabs the eye best without too much thought
boodle boy
We are still gonna make some little tweaks based on what people are feeling so this is all good
boodle boy
boodle boy
Looking gooood
Falcon McRaven
OH I love that second one!!!
Falcon McRaven
The plants in front of the frame is extremely good!
🐅 its harry
I;m here I'm implementing changes as we go -- lex, really love the Lightest Color suggestion! It's not final art so i'm not 100% sure what colors will be, but i'm gonna use that!
I love that look!
can't decide yet to go with the frame or just the stark, but I'm thinking white if it's a frame or yellow if it's not
i'm really leaning towards frameless
Falcon McRaven
Yeah having the frame around it helps draw your eye down to the bottom which I think helps with the strong contrast.
Falcon McRaven
And it compliments the lighter weight font at the bottom! But they are both good options
love the framed one
these are extremely good thoughts and i'm gonna go with that and stop second guessing myself
gonna marry the two thoughts and give it a looksee
thinned out the frame weight, which i think helps my misgivings with it
Falcon McRaven
: thank you for lending your design expertise it is VALUED AND APPRECIATED
and to everyone else too!!
Falcon McRaven
I like the thinner frame too!
Falcon McRaven
Also you are most welcome! I am happy to assist and glad that it helped!!
Ohhhh yeah, love the thin frame one!
coochie scarf
uh, wow,
Falcon McRaven
actually summed up my thoughts exactly, so uh, ditto?