about the latest CoViD-19 research - because plurk won't let me have "reads".
that the US could be missing (not counting) half its CoViD-19 cases:
Covid-19: US cases are greatly underestimated, serop...
noting that the burn through of NYC seems very similar to the London rates.
ie perhaps 7% of any dense population is very dense and rabid plague spreaders in their locale.
what should have been blindingly obvious (ie as it was to me) that there's long term damage and ongoing symptoms from this disease (although I hadn't bothered to predict the high proportions):
Covid-19: What do we know about “long covid”?
that it's also obvious that graded exercise is junk - exactly as it always was for CFS/ME examples before this one (but they were more able to get away with lying about it when it was fewer people affected):
NICE advises against using graded exercise therapy f...
there ought to be a lot of CFS/ME sufferers yelling I told you so but they'll probably all be ignored as usual instead of getting chances to speak out publicly and broadcast widely.