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guys I've been itchy for RP, but I don't want to join a game because something about AC requirements and comment counting kills me. Anyone wanna PSL something maybe?
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my two most itchy and loudest right now have been.... Hilariously Lloyd from TLOD, and my dumb OC angel Murmur
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hi Churbs
You KNOW I can make things work
I'll always play
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that's true you're always down!
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I know I've been bad on some of our PSLs but I think that's partially I'm a bit burned low on Seifs atm
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he'll come back
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like the ornery phoenix he is
And here I am with this perfectly good Zack who could likely drive Lloyd mad
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oh lord
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it's possible
cheerful, annoying, hard to drive off? Yeah, Zack's amusing
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Lloyd's a dramatic weirdo but quick to Yeet himself away from annoying situations
But can you truly yeet away from Zack? He always follows
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I mean he can teleport and fly
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so he'd give it a valiant go
this is zack fair. he shows up.
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Discretion Advised here is the half-finished character profile for stupid angel OC
goose satan
once my brain stop sucking
goose satan
points at murmur points at jack
hello i'm here and also can't do games but a psl i could do
goose satan
also i feel you on the comment count thing, don’t make me do math in my fun times
goose satan
not even the actual math so much as the making it about quantity vs quality
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oh shit Mhari it's been so long we should absolutely do something dude!
goose satan
too many players just collect the required number of tags or collect ALL OF THE TAGS like they’re pokemon and don’t really put any effort into advancing a story or character development
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^ this dude
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so much this
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I don't want to stress over quantity, I don't want to stress over being JUDGED by the masses I just wanna play self-indulgent who-cares-what
goose satan
not making the tag count every month made me finally drop the game i was in: i loved the people in it but i couldn't 'squat' every month and take a hiatus/strike constantly
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yeah I feel you there, life is chaos normally and it's completely insane now
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PSLs offer the chill and freedom of whatever world-building you wanna do freely
ABSOL-FUCKING-LUTELY I've been hittin' up some PSLs over here:
@theavarice - [RP] Vomiting endlessly on plurk today...
i updated the list a while back but some of the old squad you know are still there i just slid them off for neatness
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awwwyeah /goes to look
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does Isaac and his infamous boot of beef wellington still exist?
yes he just had multiple accounts i wasn't using so i never stuck him on there
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that is fair I'm glad to know he still lives on
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and I hope he treasures that memory forever
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Your links are broken! but I could use the icons to go snoop
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and snoopin' I'm do'in
i might've redone some stuff when i was re-passwording things and broke it all
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sleepy sleepy
I am down for this. Lloyd or Murmur. Either one
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let's do something!
sleepy sleepy
yes. any preferences? I could though my high school phantom thief at either one or get off my butt and do the icon search I need to do and toss my OC at yoy
my memory is super bad so i can't remember who we did stuff with beyond isaac (and i should redo his icons one day) but i feel i played isamu in the same game as dante for at least a tiny bit
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I dunno how much patience Lloyd would have for a highschooler he's a surly old Wingly and all I vote maybe for OC?
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I think you might have played Isamu? My memory is also bad
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I feel like you played one of your ladies too, maybe the dragon age one?
i don't even know if i kept those journals tbh
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lol that is fair
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it's been so long
i can dig up some isaac i haven't played a trash vampire in forever
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would a trash vampire like to play with... idk either a weirdo fallen/unfallen angel or a magic dude that isn't an angel?
either is good
it's isaac lbr he's legit having a crisis and is used to most things at this stage angel things would just be like oh wow that might set me on fire be chill
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Fortunately Murmur has been a demon for so long he knows how to be careful and not set anyone on fire. Unless he actually wants to do that
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then again throwing a Wingly at him who is also having a crisis might be hilarious