ðŊððĶðŦððŽðī ððĶðŊðð ðĶ~
[mute] as I talk to myself
ðŊððĶðŦððŽðī ððĶðŊðð ðĶ~
Okay so /rubs hands/ today is going to be an organzing day with some writing
ðŊððĶðŦððŽðī ððĶðŊðð ðĶ~
ðŊððĶðŦððŽðī ððĶðŊðð ðĶ~
Going to work on Mellorine x2 and then Table of Contents Remedy
ðŊððĶðŦððŽðī ððĶðŊðð ðĶ~
going to respond to comments and table of Contents Miracles and plan out the next arc because I cannot get this fucking franchise out of my head
ðŊððĶðŦððŽðī ððĶðŊðð ðĶ~
ðŊððĶðŦððŽðī ððĶðŊðð ðĶ~
SChen Going to transcribe what I did at work
ðŊððĶðŦððŽðī ððĶðŊðð ðĶ~
Table of Contents Rain
ðŊððĶðŦððŽðī ððĶðŊðð ðĶ~
maybe poke at Mist Warden
ðŊððĶðŦððŽðī ððĶðŊðð ðĶ~
and that's enough for today outside of RP XD