HELLO, I'M DAZ. My main RP account is
marimoneki neko
. I'm very behind in the manga (Chapter 953 Once Upon A Fox which was, like, basically written specifically for me) so I'd like to request no spoilers beyond that, please!
oh!! slides here... i'm celen and rn i've got law and nami in games so they're my most active but i also have... uh. ace, sabo, monet, zoro and shirahoshi
aw i'm glad!! and glad to have you on plurk! it's beautiful to see anyone rp pudding and that zoros still exist in the wild... you have my sword anytime you want a thread that almost definitely involves zoro getting unnecessarily clung to
I'm Alphonse, or Al. I'm coming off of a several month hiatus-slowatus, where I mainly played Ace. I still mainly play Ace at , but I have a few other dudes that I toss around. Um, I play an okay Thatch, Whitebeard, Smoker, Crocodile, and a handful of others. I'm always looking for new people to talk about pirates with and rp pirates with.
once I get over a Responsibility hump this weekend I'm gonna work to get caught up and try to get more out there in rp land, maybe I'll pick up some new folks too
that I made to troll any Ace I seeaaaalso I definitely have a whole bunch of your icons on my Zoro account