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Behold, a soap! https://images.plurk.com/5FBJZDgALLnkhAMfWVvQhG.jpg
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still need to clean up and shave 'em but they did come out nice
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kaolin clay and activated charcoal with aloe and a jasmine scent
...that's so cool wtf!
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the tallow I had on the shelf was surprisingly swirl-friendly
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I've gotten better about not over blending into medium trace
I love your soaps!!
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sAlty : I'm feeling the urge to soap again. So you'll probably see some more of them
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also discovered I can use my one mold as a way of cutting my flat block into six nice sized pieces
Look how pretty
it's tortoiseshell!
🎃 elvira
i always wanna eat your soap
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hobbats : danke!
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bluecanary : it is!
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🎃 elvira : doooont eat it. Or the dice
I would eat all the soap and dice. forbidden snacks.
🎃 elvira
it looks so delicious
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https://images.plurk.com/1fw5bnzzDtHXhsWZMlF7By.jpg https://images.plurk.com/4ZOd6ZjC6FZo9kKE5jBypv.jpg yesterday’s work: my first out and out Castile bar (100% olive oil) with tangerine essential oil done up in pastels because the smell made me think of a sherbet!
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Still no eating!
I bet that smells amazing.
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The lack of DOS means that oil still good so! Yay for a giant bottle of olive oil I can use
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LeftInTheFade : ...legit does. I’m gonna use the hell out of that in six weeks
I used to have some tangerine scented shampoo that was for shine and every time I used it I was like 'I love this bathroom until it airs out'
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LeftInTheFade : I just happened to have a bottle of the essential oil because it was cheap but it just smells like sunshine
It really, really does.
I will still eat it
🎃 elvira
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https://images.plurk.com/78PtYgOzKWQRH6DDdZ2rg5.jpg last nights results!
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Noooo eaaating
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Wanted to try textured layers which are kind of neat.
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Scented with a mixture of black raspberry vanilla and jasmine that apparently works super nicely and I would agree
Ainsley ☄
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today's soap was a messssssssss
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https://images.plurk.com/12wf6q4jl9IA9TwMo2Oc1a.jpg twelve bars of ugggh
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Between the glycerin rivers, the colors not geling, and the far too quick set up that messed up the design, these were about... 90% failure
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But at least they smell nice?
for a price
look if a soap smells nice and makes you clean then that's 90% success in my book
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Very tempted to like cut them up into little cubes and make confetti soap or something
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for a price : they will do that in about five weeks!
for a price
woo /o/
🙀sᴄᴀʀᴇDᴇᴇ Cᴀᴛ🙀
i think it looks cool
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I hvae 12 bars of it.
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so I might cut up half and leave the other half
pretty soap does look very appealing to put in one's mouth, even though I know it would taste terrible.
I bought soap from an acquaintance who'd made the top of it look like whipped frosting with blackberries. me: "FORBIDDEN CAKE"
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hah yeah
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https://images.plurk.com/2fHAZWWljCSl7gMfHKHhjs.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5Jd8M5OrqxBP2zsU3dEpgT.jpg the first attempt at retooling: 4th of July Fruit Salad
🙀sᴄᴀʀᴇDᴇᴇ Cᴀᴛ🙀
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still don't love it but it looks interesting
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and I only used a few blocks for it
noms on all the soaps
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still noooooot foood. though it's closer to food than dice
shh let me make bad choices
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but I would make you actual food if I could!
they're just so pretty 😍