Wayward Haze
Starting a fresh plurk for the Pathway To Mystery folks!
Wayward Haze
SInce Moony is working on some wrap up info, let's see if we can get a little more progress in! I know that the last couple of weeks have been rough for some of you, so maybe a fresh start & a tag order will help?
I appologize for how much I have been tagging. >.<
Wayward Haze
We had an order at the start and then .... a few people just kept continuously tagging, so it's been hard for Moony to gauge what constitutes a full round for replies.
Wayward Haze
ChickletLARP : Hey, she and Connie were having a convo. Maybe we should start a new thread for Day Two and they can continue their talk in the current thread?
Wayward Haze
Tho I know Moony said she was hitting us up, so... disregard. Derp. I will wait and see what she does. XD
We should probably think about a day two thread though.
Wayward Haze
/nod. Yeah, we're still getting to the campsite and other land groups are fighting and discovering
I would be cool with that.
I will admit I have a hard time NOT replying when a thread is sitting in my inbox. I hold out as long as I can... but... yeah. >.< I fail a lot, and I am sorry.
Wayward Haze
I tend to mark tracked comments as read and leave them at the bottom until I get a new one, then rinse & repeat until it's my turn - if that helps
I can't with my email program, they just vanish from my usual view once I mark them as read or get lost in all the other already read replies. And on the journals... um... for some reason things I do reply to never clear on their own so... um,... Thousands of things sitting as unread in my inbox.