my brother didn't have his computer for 3 days cause it leaked in his desk area and we had to dry it out...i miss it
it's just he screams and yells when he plays overwatch now and my grandma suggested going upstairs but he doesn't want to use a wireless adapter cause 5 seconds to load a page is too slow
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Im sorry
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I can understand not doing wifi with OW though
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I literally have to have eithernet myself
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but off
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i cant even type im sorry LOL
lol it's fine I'm just idk who he's playing against but I'm like why everyday
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as someone who's played OW since it was officially out, i can't say anything rofl
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its not always bad but lol it gets bad sometimes
I've played it for awhile too I've had the chance to cause of various computer problems but I'm just like please spare me
oh lord that sounds like a nightmare
Man, either way he's still an adult and should be able to control his emotions enough to not... yell all the time??
Like dang, I get gently vicious when I play Overwatch, but I'm also, y'know, respectful of the other people in the house
^^exactly this, i'll get angy but it's still like. you can't just Scream And Shout, that's rude af
my mom has talked to him but that ended up with a week of him going on and on like ohh am I being too loud now? and I'm like -_-
grow uuuuup
Literally, I've played the game silently because Mel was asleep in the next room, it's not that hard?
I wish
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this is also true
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i didnt see any of this whoops
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there's also a time when you should know to stop for the night sooo
it's fine! yeah he does it for about two hours everyday? but it's the same of him screaming at someone and i'm like dude our mom asked
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oh god
he doesn't know how rare it is for our mom to ask instead of going "shut it down"
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that is.... a bit much
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i understand getting competitive I'm a mercy main lol but dude
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i just get off once i start to get salty damn
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listen theres no worse pain than being a mercy main i tell you what rofl
you understand lol
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i do xD
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this is why i also main Widowmaker
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because sometimes you need to kill shit too xD
so true I played more cause of that
whoops lol
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i do that too its all good
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my hero pool has expanded rofl
but yeah i've asked before what is going on or if he wants us all to play with him me and our brother A but no he doesn
i mean my mom asked like no one knows how big this is
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Mercy, Junkrat, Dva, Hanzo, Ana, tracer, lucio, widowmaker... im all over the place
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sounds like he doesnt take the game the game that well over all xD
Ooo I've done Mercy, Ana, Moira, a little of Tracer, and D va
XD I just wish I knew who he was yelling at all the time
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everyone on the enemy team im assuming
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haha he swears it's someone who waits for him to log on and i'm like then log in earlier?
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wait what?
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so does someone just spam him with ivnites or what?
i guess? i don't know he's so cryptic about it that i just tune it out or we go to different rooms since he does it in the living room
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oh even worse oof
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like defriend them???
this! i've said this so many times but he refuses to do it!!
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its like one of my friends who appears offline all of the time people people spam invites so i say to defriend them and he never does??
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and he has like 5000 friends like
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i'm glad i'm not crazy about this i thought i was the weird one
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its such an easy way to fix the prob
i explained this and he's telling me how he can't cause he has to do this and i'm like no no you don't!!
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uuhhh hnooo???
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how old is your brother jeez
thank you thank you thank you
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like-- oof
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like i mean...
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i dont get whats so hard about that?
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like if you dont want them inviting you defriend them??
sobs this!!!
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than again im the kind of person that will periodically clean my friends list because i realize i dont actually talk or play withj some of the people
i feel so relieved that it's not me omg
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its def not
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i probably need to do it again actually
i cut stress out of my life i can't do all that lol
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ive gotten to the point where i have to pick my battles
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i have enough to deal with
i had a jerk try to friend me once when i accidentally turned on my mic and they heard my voice so i unfriended them and blocked them so
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oh wow
but it's a long, long story
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i learned a long time ago that i need to pick my battles because i was getting so easiliy tilted
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at qp
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i was just.... what is this madness?
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i play comp now.... i dont have the patience to rage at qp too rofl
lol right?
but this is the result of my mom basically doing everything for him and now that she's trying to push him towards being independent it's not going over well sighs
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but nah i think your reasoning is totally justified??
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oh yeah...
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i can see how that would be difficult
i'm glad cause i thought i was the crazy one
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not at all
thank you ;;
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im sorry you have to deal with it though man
thank you i've been doing my best cause i'm trying to help him since i'm the oldest but he's making it hard
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the thing that sucks is that it wont matter until he wants to listen
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which is aggrivating
he'll still go sometimes "opps i'm being too loud aren't I?" and i'm like "Don't test me man i have enough bullets in the chamber"
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i have a friend who says he wants to get better at the game but as soon as we try to help him he gets discouraged right away and doesnt even try
i know enough to dig deep but i don't cause i'm nice
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and it drives me nuts
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we've tried so many times but in the end gave up because he needs to want to change for it to matter to him
that's why some days i just tune it out until my mom asks me
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fair though