
Going to be one of those days. Good in the morning and then fading fast in the afternoon.

Shiloh x Debbi

Happens after I do yard work. 90 minutes of activity = 2-3 days of recovery.

Shiloh x Debbi
I totally understand that.

Is there anything I can do for you? Pick up or drop off anything? You're on my way home most days

: thank you for the offer. I am doing well, just drained and dragging today. I have to plan around big energy draining projects like simple yardwork. meals become quick and simple vs my longer to prepare versions, but I have that covered.

Swamp Daddy
I have those days too once in awhile, but I’m fortunate enough to not have that problem most of the time. Is it heat related, activity level or a combination of the two?

Swamp Daddy
: I have to plan everything I do, down to the last spoon. I plan for the fact that I will be wiped out after physical activity like yardwork. The humidity was much higher on Sunday than I expected, bit that was the only day I had available, and it had been 2 weeks since the last mow and desperately needed.

Since my Crohn's flared up 2 years after my cancer surgery it has been soul crushing at times when I can't do stuff that I used to do all the time. Today was just ok, lots of muscle weakness and fatigue. I started out strong, but faded faster than I thought I was going to.

I have 5000 ideas, the means and will to do 5-10, and the energy to do 1-2 if I am lucky.

So I have to pick and choose, then prioritize. I had plans to refresh the bark chips, but I just don't have the energy, so I am planning for a landscape company to come in to do it and a few other projects. I am giving up my planter boxes since I have not had the energy to maintain them or plant this year.

I hate that I am doing this, but it's not working for me and a lot of work to weed them out every few weeks with no food crops.