Becca Stareyes
Hey Plurk folks, if you know of anyone selling face masks, I figure I should have some on hand. Bonus points for science/nature/space themed ones, since I'm teaching our 'intro to astrophysics' and 'physics in the life sciences' classes in the fall.
Y yo a ti, Cas
I know Redbubble has masks now but I'm not sure of their effectiveness
not great, they're basically just two layers of weird stretchy Jersey tshirt material back to back
out of the online ones that are from larger stores and not like, etsy sellers, I like LookHuman's better
LookHuman's are rather thin and require a filter (but there is a pocket for it).
Becca Stareyes
I'm okay with buying filters if I need it.
alleged traitor
a friend of mine has a shop; I trust the quality of her work even if these are 2-layer masks
alleged traitor
I mean it looks like she's broken into the Alexander Henry stash for some of them, so it's tightly woven cotton for sure!
Friend of a friend's shop, I ordered a couple and then went back for more, and will probably be doing so again just because I hate washing the pillowcase full of masks so often
these are two layer, and she also sells filters (blue shop towel material)
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mask World by Pendragon Costum...
A lady I know who makes corsets and Renaissance Faire costumes is making masks and has several different designs and sizes. They're very nice
if you don't mind big retail chains, old navy sells them in a five pack for 12.50 USD /retail worker
This is another artist I know who is using some fun prints | W Designs by Dianne
I just looked through my stash and I've got a scrap of a space photo print that's enough for a mask
no charge, I've just been asking people to toss what they think is fair to a charity
the catch is that you have to wait until I make it through my backlog /cough
I've also got a zillion florals, not sure if that counts as "nature"
Becca Stareyes
I know my sister went to Old Navy for her family, but I figure I ahve the money to support smaller businesses that make ones with cool patterns.
I usually do 2 layers with a filter pocket but I can add a layer easily
yeah, i figured, but i just wanted to toss it out just in case!