Aether Muffin
someone edumacate me. I have questions about Thancred's new role in ShB that just occurred to me today.
Aether Muffin
I missed it somewhere. I know I did. but how is it that he's a full blown gunbreaker in a world where that didn't originate after leaving the Source as a bard?
Aether Muffin
other than that the trust system needed a tank and no one else would suit it except Exarch, who wasn't going to be an option until you max out their levels
Aether Muffin
far as I can tell, gunbreaker wasn't a thing anywhere except among Garleans with Varis and his sassy ass gunblade.
Aether Muffin
and they're not on the First. and Emet doesn't count.
big drg energy
Thancred was more rogue than bard, he just called himself a bard because it probably got him laid more. :v As for how he got to be Gunbreaker I think the justification is he learned while spying on Garlemald.
Crime Gé
yeah Thancred was a rogue before (you see him fight enough and knives are a rogue thing not a bard thing) I'm assuming he learned at least some Gunbreaker skills to better facilitate spying in Garlemald
big drg energy
I can't remember when it's mentioned but it's like, a throw away line. Probably something that's optional from talking to him between quests I'll bet.
big drg energy
I also think the gunbreaker quests themselves confirm this? :|a
thancred is a former member of the rogue's guild that uses gladiator abilities and was more or less likely just called bard before 2.2 i think it was because rogue/ninja wasn't in the game yet. also possibly because of the outside view on the rogue's guild as a whole with the rogues/thieves thing
while he was spying on the garleans for the alliance he was trained in the gunbreaker arts by i believe it's someone from the same clan as radovan. but being a gunbreaker back then wasn't a viable option. so he was trained in it, but didn't use those skills until he got to the first where they were more useful given the situation
his inability manipulate aether also didn't help since he can't use the gunbreaker cartridges unless someone else does it for him. on the source he didn't have anyone while he was doing this spying, on the first he has ryne. also why he won't use cartridge skills in trusts if ryne is not in the party
it's mentioned in the gnb quest and i think it was sometime in il mheg
big drg energy
Yeah!!! All of this^
Aether Muffin
aaaa okay
Aether Muffin
that explains a good bit. thank!
Aether Muffin
I haven't done gnb yet so I'm missing part of that
it's not until gnb 80 that you get the full thancred picture so it's all good. the mention in msq is very minimal
also worth noting is that the gunblades the garleans use are not the same as the ones gunbreakers use. hrothgar created the gunblades used in the gunbreaker job that thancred is and that our wol can be. those use aether charged cartridges while the garlean gunblades do not
Aether Muffin