The 107-year-old statue has often been vandalised by protesters, ranging from pro-democracy activists to anti-whaling campaigners. As recently as January, “Free Hong Kong” was scrawled on the rock on which the 1.65-metre bronze sits.
Protesters have variously knocked the mermaid off her perch, beheaded her, lopped off an arm and poured paint over her.
不過小美人魚(或安徒生)感覺真的是有點躺著也中槍XDDDD 在這波抗議中遭難的銅像行列裡並不是特別突出的帶有種族歧視色彩的人物。
就是抗議民眾裡有人缺了點腦袋吧難免的(???Protesters have variously knocked the mermaid off her perch, beheaded her, lopped off an arm and poured paint over her.