colorful bunch
[covid][uspol] The US has bought up virtually all the stocks for the next three months of one of the two drugs proven to work against Covid-19, leaving none for the UK, Europe or most of the rest of the world.
colorful bunch
'course we did
✧ Navigator ✧
and then they'll charge the regular folks thousands if they want to live
✧ Navigator ✧
because they want you dead
colorful bunch
hey, maybe if we had done what we were supposed to and locked shit down the right way in the first place, we wouldn't have skyrocketed cases and feel the need to do this
colorful bunch
(haha as if we wouldn't have done exactly this even if we had)
duck bastard
colorful bunch
I do not understand the cult of personality behind Regular People being rock hard for drumpf and his conservative ilk like
colorful bunch
even if you put drumpf aside, because he's an insultingly incompetent and incontinent buffoon, which is an insult to buffoons everywhere, if you look at just the GOP in charge
colorful bunch
they want you dead
colorful bunch
are you old, rich, white, a man, and a friend to someone in power? you're the only exception
colorful bunch
if you are not all of those things, then they want you dead, right up until the point they look around their mcmansions and wonder where their butlers and gardeners went
colorful bunch
anyway we'll hoard remdesivir until it all goes out of date and the only ones that'll get used will be for the rich folk who can afford it bc with 500k-ish doses guess what. that's not enough. for the kind of numbers we have.
colorful bunch
colorful bunch
colorful bunch
colorful bunch
re: costs $10 to make a 10-day course