The Raƶe
[The Whole Plate]

Comics and manga
Dragon Ball Super {Ch. 61} ✓

Video games
Phantasy Star Generation:1 {17:22} [PS2; 1987, 2005]
Power Stone [PSP; 1999, 2006]

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The Raƶe
Dragon Ball Super

Man, this chapter was great.

This saga really is Vegeta's redemption arc. I love the villain, love the premise, love the fact that characters other than Goku got to shine — which to be fair, has been the case since Z, but less so in Super — and loving the twists and turns.
The Raƶe
Furthermore, it looks like Toyotaro is finally coming into his own as an artist and storyteller. Not that his art was ever bad — far from — but his panel composition and reliance on exposition really killed the flow at times. Now, I'm seeing less words where the actiony parts are showing up, and more when there are slower moments.
The Raƶe
This is a great look for him, and I think that this is was Akira Toriyama meant when he said that he could do more with less.

I seriously hope that this arc gets animated some day, because it's the bomb diggity… and it isn't even over.

The Raƶe
Phantasy Star Generation:1

There's the troll chests that thought were gone forever.

>finds chest in a dungeon
>untraps it (just in case)
>trap disarmed
>ten meseta

This fucking game.
The Raƶe
I also found out how the Collab system actually works. Turns out that using the active effect of a crystal can break it, no matter if you use the Item Crash or not. It also totally is tied to characters and weapons… which means that I now have a handy dandy .txt file of which characters can use what Collab Arts.
The Raƶe
I'm still mostly using double Heal Crystals — which are an absolute live saver at this portion of the game I'm in — but it's fun to experiment from time to time.
The Raƶe
I also found some new items that give passive regen outside of battles, as well as upping each character's magic defense. Hot damn, game. As mean as you can be, you sure know how to provide your players with the tools to manage.
The Raƶe
Power Stone

I received my new charger and batteries, so I felt that it was a good time to break out the trusty PSP again.

Unfortunately, it looks like the issue with my adapter making funky noises while the system is pulled in may be tied to the battery. Not only did it start again, but it did it quicker than before.
The Raƶe
I don't know if the issue will be resolved with a new television… but honestly, at this point I'm dead set in getting a new television anyway, so I guess I'll eventually find out. However, I do eventually want to test it with a standard issue battery, and see if it runs just fine with that.
The Raƶe
If it doesn't, then I'll have to conclude the adapter itself is faulty. Fortunately, it looks like the company has a good return policy.
The Raƶe
About the battery itself: Holy crap, what the hell is technology. This thing is a 3600mAh, and it's actually smaller than the 2400mAh that I've had for years. I actually had to break out the old battery cover. Honestly, I'm unusually pleased about this, because that was a damn fine cover.
The Raƶe
About the game itself: After playing through the hell that was Julia, I unlocked Gourmand… which I recall mentally complaining about, because I really wanted my dumb cowboy character Accel.

Turns out that I had completely forgotten that Gourmand is really freaking good.
The Raƶe
He's a silly character design, but both his grounded and aerial Power Drives are pretty solid, and his Power Fusions are quality as well. If you manage to hit with his fire tornado in a certain way, it can absolutely delete an opponent's life. His other Fusion also has good homing properties, but usually only lands a few hits.
The Raƶe
Glad that I was able to play as him again, and be reminded of how fun he was.
